I seem to have occasional problems with the file compression utilities. I am running W7 64 bit, and the occasional glitch seems to occur every now and then (quite seldomly), even though I switched to 7zip.
I can't think of any reason at all why such problem would ever appear, zipping a simple text file should have nothing to it. Still, I took a habit to send both the bte file and the zip file as attachments, and it proved to be that the bte file worked, when ever the zipped bte did not.
The thing is, though, that what you described happened to others, based on the files I sent, not files sent to me. I never have had any issues reading a bte file (uncompressed nor plainly sent.
So, this is propably not helpful at all :( Thought I'd share this anyway
As a second thought, ask your friend to resend the zipped bte file that did not work, and to send the original bte without compression as well.
Does the problem occur with both files???