More v1.05 wishlists
I recently got a new extremely powerful laptop, running Windows 7 and tons of memory. It's so fast that viewing the game at "fast" speed, which has always been my normal choice, has become nearly impossible. It's so fast that I often can't tell if my shot killed an entire platoon, or merely forced a retreat. Returning op fire is instantaneous, like some kind of cruel "Pink Pantherish" joke. Slow speed continues to be just as grueling as it always was.
So, anyway a middle speed or two could be added? It's only going to get worse as people slowly replace their old computers.
Also, I've always wanted the wheel mouse utilized for scrolling in and out, with more than just the four levels of view that exist now. I can control-wheel in and out of just about every program I can think of, but not the game.
Right click options or key-combo right clicks to replace menus would be nice, especially when trying to find chain of command, supply range, etc. So, Control-D-right click, for instance, would bring up a floating "Display" menu and the user could then mouse over to Highlight - Organization, or whatever.
Addressing some of the "utility" areas like the above, IMO, would do quite a bit for modernizing the game without affecting it's playability.
Are any of these doable?
Resolve then, that on this very ground, with small flags waving and tinny blasts on tiny trumpets, we shall meet the enemy, and not only may he be ours, he may be us. --Walt Kelly