Any of the members listed below, that are qualified for a Top Gun tourney, can reply to this thread to "sign up". The first 20 will be the players and the last five will be the "bench".
We need a minimum of 20 to start (though, I may reduce the number to 16). Bench players will move to the top twenty/sixteen as the slots open.
Qualified players:
1) Theova .875 2168
FScout .850 2084
3) XLVIII Pz. Korp .809 2130
4) Tiger 88 .804 2216
5) Schwerpunkt75 .800 2119
6) Mike Abberton .791 2109
7) Oberst .777 2168
8) Big Dawg .736 2094
9) Larry Reese .735 2097
H .714 2057
11) Charlie-66 .702 2076
12) Ed .700 2105
13) Otto von Blotto .697 2088
Relayer .680 2096
15) Rupert .656 2050
16) PawelM .625 2125
Fubar1 .625 2001
18) Tank Killer .616 2065
19) Deutscher Landser .615 2004
20) ernst .583 2031
Klink36 .571 2006
22) Vincent .519 2055
<==in (as alternate)
5 or 6 to go