05-05-2012, 03:50 AM,
Mike Bowen
First Sergeant

Posts: 237
Joined: Jan 2005
I have played 3 scenarios going from west to east I forget the scenario numbers but the last was the second battle of Hastings. I might accept that in 2 I played well and had some luck. However the last one was very biased in favour of the Brits.
I lost all objectives and I still won a major win. I did not do anything special in the way of counterattacks etc the German losses were so high that led to the loss.
It seemed to me that unless others have major wins for the Germans then there is a bias in this and possibly the other scenarios that needs addressing.
Further the same allied units appear in 2 scenarios whereas in the campaign they can not. An option to take them or not with a manual VP adjustment might be an idea to look into
05-08-2012, 06:19 AM,

Posts: 983
Joined: Mar 2001
RE: Sealion
I won as Germans in one of the Sealion campaigns.
German losses are horrific in the landing phase, but after that the British lines are so thinly manned that the Germans can cause some real havoc.
I can't really speak to the scenarios, though.
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