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Coming FGM Tournament...
08-20-2013, 03:39 AM, (This post was last modified: 08-20-2013, 03:51 AM by Sempai.)
Coming FGM Tournament...
Dear Comrades,

I´m preparing a monthly battle feast for CMBB and CMAK at the FGM. The whole thing is named "Fast & Furious Tournament". There are 7 scenarios to play - WARSAW 1939, FRANCE, 1940, WAKE ISLAND 1941, CHOLM 1942, KURSK 1943, PEGASUS 1944 and RHINE 1945. Turn number will vary from 15 to 30 turns - depending on the scenario to play.
There will be a monthly winner and an overall winner. That is to hold the tournament flowing and allow later participants to fight also for a title.
As the name says in most of the scenarios one has to go hard and fast as possible. But one shouldn´t be light headed. Because of the limited turns one should think carefully how to advance or defend. The maps are 400 x 480m till to 640 x 640m.

Info to the Battles and Rules:

- all battles are mirror games
- for the first scenario (Warsaw 1939) all opponents will drawn randomly
- the best player can chose his next opponent but all others will be drawn randomly again
- the best player is not allowed to play against the same opponent except he has already fought all opponents at least one time
- games what aren´t finished till to the set date will been calculated as Total Losses
- You will given passwords and You have to use them (games with other passwords, if I have to run after You to get the right password, will been calculated as Total Losses)
- should the password arrive in time all is fine
- results of one opponent will be added and then divided by two so we get an average
- if two players have the same average they do an decision match
- all sceanrios will been played in tournament mode - means You can´t look into them before the game starts
- both games, CMBB & CMAK, will needed
- TM can order You to send all files if needed for a decision - not following or to late following is punished with Total Loss(es)
- battles will fought monthly
- it will give a monthly winner and an overall winner
- I try to establish a "Ladder" if possible
...to be continued

I´ll try to add pictures of the maps and more info soon.

Greetings :)

1.) WARSAW 1939 400m x 480m, high noon, 15 turns, September 1941, dry and hot, weather is clear. Battle type is assault.

Armored Spearhead crushes on the outer rim of Warsaw and the polish great hearted defenders. Wehrmacht uses its advantage in military technique and strikes with Stuka, Tanks and Inf.
Strong german armored forces and infantry seek to gain passage over a river into a town. The polish defenders aren´t ready for the onslaught but do their best to hold the invader back. Polish artillery is beaten by the mighty Luftwaffe. So there are only 2 bunkers and 2 AAs left to withstand the Wehrmacht.

[Image: 1-WARSAW1939.jpg]
To strengthen the defenders the Poles will send all what is left of the polish army but that isn´t much. So the only real advantage is the short time they have to stand fast.

2.) FRANCE 1940 560m x 560m, dawn, 20 turns, June 1940, warm and damp, weather is foggy. Battle type is attack.

Parts of the Ghost Division try to capture a french holded village. The battle situation is going to become a mess. And as wouldn´t that be enough the morning mist makes LOS difficult sometimes. The picture is with fog off to get a better look of the map.
After the campaign in Poland the Wehrmacht changed it´s working horse, the Pz-II, for the stronger Pz-III. But even that tank had to be upgraded because of his shown weaknesses during that campaign.
The campaign in the West, means France, runs successful till to the moment. The french armor forces are surprisingly strong but they lack of experience and teamwork. They are simply annihilated by the sheer numeral superiority and the new tactics of the Wehrmacht.
Routed british troops assemble in the forest in the West. There all escaped british forces shall meet to regroup and retreat orderly. The village before that forest is holded by french troops as a strong point to hold back the Huns so long as possible and to gain more time for the british troops.
The battle situation is unclear because it seems parts of the Ghost Division had out flanked the strongpoint and stand somewhere behind the village.

[Image: 2-FRANCE1940.jpg]

3.) WAKE ISLAND 1941 560m x 560m, high noon, turn number still unclear, December 1941, hot and very dry, weather is clear. Battle type is attack.

Here the current Wake Island Map. I changed my mind and the Japs are shown as Italians now. First turns seem to be funny. I´m really thinking about to set airplanes for both sides. Should be an ideal terrain for bombing.
The JIF have started the assault on Wake. There are currently only a few basic US troops as crews, technicians, staff etc. who can react immediately on that japanese attack. Near US naval forces send reinforcements but they are few and have a long way to go before arriving. Will this be in time?
The japanese attackers have to deal with the restricted landing zones and the two heavy armed coastal batteries (shown as dug in M10s). To their luck the invading first wave is almost on shore. But now the nearest shore battery has spotted them and is opening fire. Casualties on japanese side aren´t avoidable.

[Image: WAKEISLAND1941.jpg]

4.) CHOLM 1942 480m x 400m, dusk, 20 turns, February 1942, cold and light snow, weather is clear. Battle type is assault.

Russians second onslaught on the german defenders of Cholm. The new T-34s shall show their advantage the soviet leadership hopes.
Cholm is encircled. Since weeks the town is an encirclement. It´s the first time during that war that german troops are trapped/enclosed for a longer term.
The Russians send one wave after another to break the resistance´s will of the Germans. Often the german lines are only metres wide or even broken after such an massive assault. But they manage it always to close ranks after the assault is repelled. So ammunition and heavy weapons become fewer and fewer. But at least the ammunition can be restored from time to time by air supply.
Another russian assault is ongoing. The earlier ones were merely ventured by partisans. The current assault is one of the first of the mighty CA (Covietskaya Armya), the russian army. The new T-34 version, the 1942s version, is deployed heavily. The russian leadership sets great hope in that.
Seven T-34/42 face only 2 early Pz-IIIJs and two light guns. But the german Infantry shouldn´t understimated. They are used to use infantry anti tank weapons in great number.

[Image: 4-CHOLM1942.jpg]

5.) KURSK 1943 640m x 640m, high noon, 30 turns, July 1943, hot and very dry, weather is clear. Battle type is meeting engagement.

That´s it. The biggest tank battle ever has started and Germans as Russians throw in what they have. The new Tiger-I and Panther along with the Ferdinand meet hordes of T-34, KV-I and Shermans.
For the scenario there will be no Ferdinand and the Russians get a KV-85 prototype - maybe even more as one. That I still have to ponder and test for a while.
German forces drive into enemy territory and will be attacked from all sides. The axis units consists of mostly Pz-IIIs and Pz-IVs with a few Tigers aand Panthers plus a bit infantry.
Russian forces consists of masses of T-34s, a few KV-Is and T-70s plus a platoon Shermans and a bit infantry.

[Image: 5-KURSK1943.jpg]

6.) PEGASUS 1944 400m x 400m, night, 30 turns, June 1944, warm and damp, weather is clear. Battle type is attack.

British 6th paratroopers/airlanding brigade assault the Pegasus Bridge by night.
Major Howard and the first of his men are landed and have caught the Germans by surprise. The whole actions was undetected till to the moment. Now first weak resistance is established and the bridge crew tries their best. But that isn´t enough. Only the fortified 50mm gun seems to be a slight harder opponent.
For the scenario I set a Pz-IIIJ with short barrel to show the outdated second hand gun the so called Germans (in reality foreigners with no combat value) had to their use. Further I added a gun on the other edge of the river what wasn´t there in reality.
The whole scenario is still in test phase.

[Image: PEGASUS1944.jpg]
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08-21-2013, 04:24 AM,
RE: Coming FGM Tournament...
If someone should be interested to join he can do that at the FGM CMx1 section.

Greetings :)

P.S.: The 7th scenario is still under construction. More info asap.
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10-14-2013, 08:56 AM,
RE: Coming FGM Tournament...
7th scenario changed to East Berlin 1945. Final fight between HJ und VS against the Red Flood. ;)

Greetings :)
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01-08-2014, 09:59 PM,
RE: Coming FGM Tournament...
The FFT starts definitely on the 1st of February. All who should still be interested should report in at the FFT - FAST & RECRUITING & CONFIRMATION TABLE thread at FGM! Don´t forget to send me an e-mail if You shouldn´t be sure I have Your latest adress!


KURSK was changed a bit and is now 1200m x 1600m. That is the tallest map of the FFT. The original one was simply too small for tank battling.
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01-09-2014, 07:43 AM,
RE: Coming FGM Tournament...
Come on you BLITZ gamers and join me and SPHINX in this tournament!!!
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