01-27-2014, 01:00 PM,

Posts: 724
Joined: Dec 2003
Need to get out of the Bootcamp
I finally want to get out of the Bootcamp, for the last months I have played a bunch of the Korean scenarios as US in WinSPMBT and Poland scenarios as Germany in winSPWW2 against the AI just to learn the game but also the equipment I have to handle in these eras.
So any human player up for a Poland(as Poland) or Korea(as North Korea/China) scenario?
01-27-2014, 04:53 PM,
Lieutenant General

Posts: 1,674
Joined: Oct 2002
RE: Need to get out of the Bootcamp
Join the new tourney, you'll get plenty of battles there.
01-29-2014, 07:05 AM,
RE: Need to get out of the Bootcamp
I'm your Daisy. Not real keen on scenarios. I'll take the Norks or the Chi-Coms in an ME. I prefer canned (custom) maps but random is OK. You pick the date.
I have mentored before, so I make the standard offer to newbees. If you win, you win. If I win, it's a draw. My other hobbies are motorcycles and shooting. It's too cold to ride and I'm holding on to my spare change, so my shooting is down to 50 (a box) per week. I shoot a .40 and at 20$US a box, it gets pricy to shoot every day. So I have time on my hands, at least until the latest bout of 'global warming' melts. My current E-mail is { [email protected] }
I'll into youu to my spambot so you should get through.
01-29-2014, 11:30 AM,

Posts: 724
Joined: Dec 2003
RE: Need to get out of the Bootcamp
Sorry but that looks a bit big for a start here.
OK I would say US vs China, September 1951.
Any idea what map we could use? I thought about map 25 Korean landscape or do you have a better idea?
What about the size, 2.5K points OK? Or more or less?
01-30-2014, 07:03 AM,
RE: Need to get out of the Bootcamp
Map 160 is map 25 with a few more low hills added. Map 25 is the original. There are about 4 others that have been cleaned up. IIRC 160 is the latest version. I prefer 260 of all the Korean maps. That is a reasonably accurate (for hex based) map of the river where a Marine Regiment (most of it) stopped a North Korean Divison (What was left of it) to save South Korea.
I'm comfortable with any amount of points. I find the best games are when you can stack units down the side until all the hexes are filled. That provides enough units to allow concentration for the attack, while still being able to throw out a light screen to picket the flanks. That is so somebody like Vesku ( An old Ami-Indian word meaning 'tricksy rascal') won't sneak around behind you while your brilliant plan is unfolding/collapsing.
For 6K points you can buy an Armored Battalion with a Mech Coy and off map 155 Battalion
Or you can go cheaper with an Infantry Battalion and armored support. 2.5 K means Infantry. Infantry without arty support. That makes for a slow game. At 4 K both of us will have to make difficult buying choices. So I would say, split the difference at 5K. That will be around 100 units. For the Americans. 120 or more for the Chi-Coms. If you are uncomfortable with 100 units, that is fine. We will go with 2.5 k and play hide and seek.
Gentleman's rules say 10 to 15 percent for arty. If you want, we can make that Off Map and not count on map arty toward the limit.
01-31-2014, 03:28 AM,
RE: Need to get out of the Bootcamp
John, good to see You around here still, You were my mentor once and that was great even though I have finally grown disenchanted enough to move on.
01-31-2014, 06:34 AM,
RE: Need to get out of the Bootcamp
I was out for a while. Heart attack. Left me toasted. But I have worked hard to make the cardiologist a liar. He told me that if I didn't get a stent I would be dead in two years. My two years is up Feb 10, 2014. My weight is down to 170 from 240. I walk a mile and a half every day it is above 45 F and isn't raining. I have a little isometric trainer that I use. I'm down from 2 packs a day to 8 cigarettes or less. I'm hoping to get healthy enough to be run over by some old lady in a Buick while riding my motorcycle way too fast.
I missed a complete upgrade. 6.0 So I'm behind the curve on some of the features (bugs?)
01-31-2014, 07:18 AM,
RE: Need to get out of the Bootcamp
An important explanation - I didn't became disenchanted with Your guidance, but with the way the game worked those days. I haven't kept the track since then so missed the update too and dunno what's new. Good luck with all that recovery despite the sarcasm. Stick to it, buddy.
03-01-2014, 07:37 AM,

Posts: 5,312
Joined: Jan 2001
RE: Need to get out of the Bootcamp
(01-27-2014, 01:00 PM)BigDuke66 Wrote: Hi
I finally want to get out of the Bootcamp, for the last months I have played a bunch of the Korean scenarios as US in WinSPMBT and Poland scenarios as Germany in winSPWW2 against the AI just to learn the game but also the equipment I have to handle in these eras.
So any human player up for a Poland(as Poland) or Korea(as North Korea/China) scenario?
You should not have been in bootcamp, you should have contacted me so I could reactivate your old user account that had become inactive.
Some of us are busy doing things; some of us are busy complaining - Debasish Mridha
03-01-2014, 09:18 AM,

Posts: 724
Joined: Dec 2003
RE: Need to get out of the Bootcamp
Old Account?
Mh now that you mention it I looked into the games I played and there are some old entries from 2001 for SP, strange I can't remember those games and I thought I was never on the SP ladder.
When I bought both WinSP games last year I simply added the SP ladder over the control panel and was placed on the bootcamp so I didn't thought that I was ever on the ladder.
Sorry I hope I didn't cause any troubles.
Will you add the other SP games I played to the current ladder result?
Currently only the game that moved me out of the bootcamp is used.