02-28-2012, 09:35 AM,
(This post was last modified: 02-26-2014, 05:56 AM by TheBigRedOne.)

Posts: 540
Joined: Jan 2009
Legio Patria Nostra Tournament (Africa at War) FINAL RESULTS
The focus of this Africa at War tourney is going to be the French Foreign Legion, and some of their more recent battles in post colonial Africa. Ozgur Budak has made three great scenarios, that I think are some of his best, that feature the Legion in action, and we'll be playing them. Good luck!
Legio Patria Nostra - The Legion is our Fatherland
Ozgur Budak: 150
grofaz: 115
Nikb: 110
Outlaw Josey Wales: 105
Rabbit: 105
Embis: 100
Laza: 90
Richie61: 80
Mad_Dog: 60
Alpha Zwo: 50
billk1: 50
Ivan: 45
Dog829: 40
kolc: 40
Scenario Scoring:
25 = Major Victory
20 = Minor Victory
15 = Draw
10 = Minor Loss
5 = Major loss
Tourney Bonus Points:
1st Place -- 100 points
2nd Place -- 75 points
3rd Place -- 50 points
All Others -- 25 points
Optional Rules
Vehicle Fire Over
Quality Loss Modifier
Everyone use these rules to keep things on a level playing ground for all the players.
I'm a hussar, I'm a Hun, I'm a wretched Englishman Routing Bonaparte at Waterloo I'm a dragoon on a dun, I'm a Cossack on the run I'm a horse soldier, timeless, through and through
Corb Lund - Horse Soldier, Horse Soldier
02-28-2012, 10:47 AM,
(This post was last modified: 05-17-2012, 09:15 AM by Mad_Dog.)

Posts: 540
Joined: Jan 2009
Legio Patria Nostra Tournament Round 1
Legio Patria Nostra Tournament Round 1
Le Dernier Argument
Le Dernier Argument.scn
06 January 2003, North of Duekoue, Ivory Coast
**Adaptation of David Julien's LNL scenario "Checkpoint CALVI"
2nd REP’s 1st and 4th companies went to the Republic of the Ivory Coast to reinforce French Unicorn Operation military deployment, and monitor the cease fire between the Rebels and the Loyalists. This would ease the diplomatic negotiations that would take place from the 15th to the 24th of January 2003. Further complications were raised by a third party, the Great West Rebels. Little is known of the goals of these rebels, further reinforced by several Liberians and infamous for their Sierra Leone mischief. On the morning of the 6th of January, a group of Rebels headed towards checkpoint Calvi on Duekoue’s road, seemingly to speak the detachment of Foreign Legion soldiers. It was, however, only a cheap trick. Right behind them was another group of an hundred Rebels, intent on assaulting the French positions. Once again, the legionnaires were the "dernier argument" of France.
I've played this scenario, and won, from both sides. I think it's very well balanced, each side has a lot of options and opportunities. It's a very fun scenario, good luck!
Rabbit (Major Victory) vs. Ivan (Major Loss)
Ivan (Minor Loss) vs Rabbit (Minor Victory)
Laza (Major loss) vs. Dog829 (Major Victory)
Dog829 (Major loss) vs. Laza (Major Victory)
Richie61 (Minor loss)vs. Embis (Minor Victory)
Embis (Minor Victory) vs. Richie61 (Minor loss)
kolc (Major Loss) vs. grofaz (Major Victory)
grofaz (Major Victory) vs. kolc (Major Loss)
Outlaw Josey Wales (Major Victory) vs. billk1 (Major Loss)
billk1 (Major Loss) vs. Outlaw Josey Wales (Major Victory)
Alpha Zwo (Major Loss) vs. Ozgur Budak (Major Victory)
Ozgur Budak (Major Victory) vs. Alpha Zwo (Major Loss)
Nikb (Major Loss) vs. Mad_Dog (Major Victory)
Nikb (Major Victory) vs. Mad_Dog (Major Loss)
I'm a hussar, I'm a Hun, I'm a wretched Englishman Routing Bonaparte at Waterloo I'm a dragoon on a dun, I'm a Cossack on the run I'm a horse soldier, timeless, through and through
Corb Lund - Horse Soldier, Horse Soldier
05-17-2012, 09:22 AM,
(This post was last modified: 02-26-2014, 02:44 AM by TheBigRedOne.)

Posts: 540
Joined: Jan 2009
RE: Legio Patria Nostra Tournament (Africa at War)
Legio Patria Nostra Tournament Round 2
The Backfire
The Backfire.scn
Elements of the French Foreign Legion were monitoring peacekeeping operations during the Ivorian Civil War in 2004. French troops were scattered around the country's critical junctions to form buffer zones between Loyalist troops of President Laurent Gbagbo including the FANCI Militia and different Rebel factions. In November Ivorian president Laurent Gbagbo had ordered airstrikes to be carried out on Ivorian rebels. On November 6, 2004, at least one Ivorian Sukhoi Su-25 bomber attacked a position of France's Unicorn peacekeeping force in the rebel stronghold of Bouaké at 1 pm local time, killing nine French soldiers and wounding another 31. The Ivorian government claimed the attack on the French was unintentional, but the French insisted that the attack had been deliberate.
Within hours; French President Jacques Chirac personally ordered the destruction of the small Ivorian air force and the seizure of Yamoussoukro airport. The French military performed an overland attack on the airport and destroyed the small Ivorian air force parking on the field.
The French attack on Yamoussoukro raised the tensions in the country. On 7 November, armed mobs of Ivorians loyal to the government took to the streets of Abidjan, the largest city located at the Atlantic Coast. Rioters attacked a French school and army base. Crowds of young Ivorians attacked a residential district made up of French citizens, who had to be evacuated by airlift as mobs burst into their apartment buildings. Unable to control the situation, troops from the Foreign Legion; the 2nd Recon Company and the 1st Para Company (2nd Para Regiment) deployed in the French District to counter the attacks and gain time for the evacuating civilians as armed mobs overwhelmed the streets.
I've started this scenario, but never finished it. My opponent and I got about halfway through, with neither side having an advantage yet, but both of us having things to worry about. Good luck!
Rabbit (Major Loss) vs. kolc (Major Victory)
kolc (Major Loss) vs. Rabbit (Major Victory)
Embis (Draw) vs. Laza (Draw)
Laza (Draw) vs. Embis (Draw)
Richie61 (Major Loss) vs Outlaw Josey Wales (Major Victory)
Outlaw Josey Wales (Major Loss) vs. Richie61 (Major Victory)
Alpha Zwo (Major Loss) vs. billk1 (Major Victory)
billk1 (Major Loss) vs. Alpha Zwo (Major Victory)
Ozgur Budak (Major Win) vs. Dog829
Dog829 vs. Ozgur Budak (Major Win)
Nikb (Major Loss) vs. grofaz (Major Victory)
grofaz (Major Loss) vs. Nikb (Major Victory)
Mad_Dog (Major Loss) vs. Ivan (Major Victory)
Ivan (Major Loss) vs. Mad_Dog (Major Victory)
I'm a hussar, I'm a Hun, I'm a wretched Englishman Routing Bonaparte at Waterloo I'm a dragoon on a dun, I'm a Cossack on the run I'm a horse soldier, timeless, through and through
Corb Lund - Horse Soldier, Horse Soldier
10-17-2012, 09:06 AM,
(This post was last modified: 02-26-2014, 05:51 AM by TheBigRedOne.)

Posts: 540
Joined: Jan 2009
Legio Patria Nostra Tournament (Africa at War)
Legio Patria Nostra Tournament Round 3
Sound and Fury
Sound and Fury.scn
On 6 November 2004, after rebel groups' denial of the disarmament plan, Laurent Gbagbo, the president of the Ivory Coast and the leader of the Popular Front, ordered airstrikes on the rebel positions near Bouaké. However, one of the bombs fell on a French strongpoint killing 9 soldiers who were monitoring the peacekeeping operations. Although Gbagbo claimed that the attack on the French position was a mistake French President Jacques Chirac ordered the seizure of the Yamoussoukro airport and destruction of the small Ivorian Air Force.
The same day a column of the Foreign Legion set out from their positions around Bouaké and moved North towards Yamoussoukro. French troops, namely the paratroopers from the 2nd Para Regiment supported by armored cars of the recon element and attack helicopters, launched a surprise assault on the Ivorian Airport. Ivorian sentries struggled to recover from the initial blow while FANCI militia tried to join their regular army comrades.
I played this scenario as the Legion, and won, although I took a lot of losses that a modern fighting force would probably be hesitant to take. Would the Legion though? Historically probably not, but the current force can probably call in a lot more support than we have in this scenario. There is a of open ground to cover, which makes it deadly for the Legion, although they have a very effective force. Good luck!
Laza (Major Win) vs Rabbit
Rabbit (Major Win) vs Laza
Richie61 (Major Win) vs Embis
Embis (Major Win) vs Richie61
grofaz (Major Win) vs Outlaw Josey Wales
Outlaw Josey Wales (Minor Win) vs grofaz
billk1 vs Ozgur Budak (Major Win)
Ozgur Budak (Major Win) vs billk1
Alpha Zwo vs Nikb (Major Win)
Nikb (Major Win) vs Alpha Zwo
I'm a hussar, I'm a Hun, I'm a wretched Englishman Routing Bonaparte at Waterloo I'm a dragoon on a dun, I'm a Cossack on the run I'm a horse soldier, timeless, through and through
Corb Lund - Horse Soldier, Horse Soldier
02-26-2014, 05:56 AM,
(This post was last modified: 02-26-2014, 05:57 AM by TheBigRedOne.)
Retired Squad Battles Forum Moderator

Posts: 1,955
Joined: Jan 2006
RE: Legio Patria Nostra Tournament (Africa at War)
With Abram's time being somewhat limited, I took the liberty of filling in the scores from this tourney. There was one team left in the Final Round, but with that pairing not really going to play a role in determining the final outcome, I opted to close the tourney out since this and the Korea tourney had been going on for far too long without resolving things...
The final tally:
1st Place: Ozgur Budak: 150
2nd Place: grofaz: 115
3rd Place: Nikb: 110
Congrats to the winners and to the participants in this fun series. AAW certainly gives the SB a very different game to chew on! I'll have the tourney bonuses added tonight or tomorrow!
02-26-2014, 08:57 AM,
Certa Cito

Posts: 487
Joined: Mar 1999
RE: Legio Patria Nostra Tournament (Africa at War) FINAL RESULTS
Thanks to the organisers and participants of this tourney as well and congrats to Oz
Bravo Zulu
244 games with legend that is Richie61
02-26-2014, 10:06 AM,

Posts: 540
Joined: Jan 2009
RE: Legio Patria Nostra Tournament (Africa at War) FINAL RESULTS
Thanks Alan, and thanks to everyone who played. Sorry I've been absent for the end of this, I hope you all enjoyed the scenarios.
I'm a hussar, I'm a Hun, I'm a wretched Englishman Routing Bonaparte at Waterloo I'm a dragoon on a dun, I'm a Cossack on the run I'm a horse soldier, timeless, through and through
Corb Lund - Horse Soldier, Horse Soldier
02-26-2014, 10:29 AM,
Warrant Officer

Posts: 295
Joined: Apr 2009
RE: Legio Patria Nostra Tournament (Africa at War) FINAL RESULTS
Thanks for putting on this tournament guys, and to everyone who participated. AAW is a hidden jewel, so it was great we could generate some exposure for it.
And an especially big thanks to Abram for not pairing me up against Oz!
02-26-2014, 12:20 PM,
Brigadier General

Posts: 1,109
Joined: Aug 2010
RE: Legio Patria Nostra Tournament (Africa at War) FINAL RESULTS
Thanks to everyone involved with putting on this tournament!
Awesome job by Oz!
"Ideals are peaceful. History is violent."
02-27-2014, 02:28 AM,
Retired Squad Battles Forum Moderator

Posts: 1,955
Joined: Jan 2006
RE: Legio Patria Nostra Tournament (Africa at War) FINAL RESULTS
I believe with this win, Oz gets a free tour of duty with the Legion....