(06-30-2014, 05:47 PM)Kritterpaw Wrote: Noticing my opponent is busily blowing the heavy bridges.
Does N44 have engineer units that can rebuild same?
Yes, pontoon bridges but not available for several days.
Therefore you might have to attack towards Pont Hebert 70/65 to cross the Vire River in Omaha area.
Utah area might be unable to cross the Douve River to link up .
If the bridges At 143/57 are blown the British and Canadian paras will have a long painful wait.
But every game is different, just enjoy the challenge.
"Enjoy the challenge".........................................ah if only is was not of my making.
My opponent (Paul) is working to a co-ordinated and experienced plan. Myself, which is now becoming apparent, appear to be blundering about in the opposite.
Feeling a bit trying to be less if I don't I may . Ultimately it's to Paul.
And the hope I haven't already become
Blowing the bridges will give him temporary respite from your advance. Your bridging units will arrive in a couple of days, with the rest of the corp assets.
It is very difficult for the Germans to blow all of them, unless the allies are unwary. In one game, I managed to blow all but one, and it was impossible to keep the 4th infantry division/101st airborne from crossing it.
Its funny..the allies blew a lot of the bridges between Utah/Omaha to prevent a German counterattack.