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movie 'FURY' with Brad Pitt
10-28-2014, 06:52 AM,
RE: movie 'FURY' with Brad Pitt
Boisforas here, as for unrealistic "Hollywood War Stories," one should check out the citation that was written for Lt Audie Murphy's Medal of Honor. That story alone would stretch the imagination of any jaded script writer: Standing on the back of a M-10 tank destroyer, firing its .50 MG at an advancing company of German infantry, holding them off & then leading a counter attack, all while wounded. Sounds like maybe the script writer for "FURY" might have read that citation!
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10-28-2014, 06:52 AM,
RE: movie 'FURY' with Brad Pitt
I'm looking forward to this movie, both good and bad. At the end of the day it is only a movie, but it has real tanks.

I've been following a couple of WW2 veteran's comments about this and they all seem to give a thumb's up, especially the few tankers that went to see it. Looking at the Easy 8's and Tigers makes this pretty much a no brainer for me, after all I sat through Battle of the Bulge many times. PS, I think Bulge is probably one of the worst war movies EVER, but I still go to see the tanks even if they were M48's and M24's.

There is another movie coming out called Unbreakable about an Olympic runner that was shot down over the Pacific and lived through Japanese prison camps. Even if the director is Jolie, I'm going to see it because the story is true and so fascinating.

Thanks all,

Jim von Krieg
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10-28-2014, 07:12 AM,
RE: movie 'FURY' with Brad Pitt
Boisforas again. Other great war movies that aren't well known are: "Paths of Glory," a Stanley Kubrik WWI opus & "Go Tell the Spartans," an early Viet Nam war picture.
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10-28-2014, 07:17 AM,
RE: movie 'FURY' with Brad Pitt
...and let's not forget "All Quiet on the Western Front".
Resolve then, that on this very ground, with small flags waving and tinny blasts on tiny trumpets, we shall meet the enemy, and not only may he be ours, he may be us. --Walt Kelly
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10-28-2014, 07:59 AM,
RE: movie 'FURY' with Brad Pitt
Stalingrad, 1993 by Joseph Vilsmaier, one of my personal favs. Haven't seen the newer one nor heard much about it.
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10-28-2014, 10:44 AM,
RE: movie 'FURY' with Brad Pitt
Band of Brothers get's my pick for number one. Of course, I 'm biased since I was in the 101st when it came out. We watched a few episodes for Sergeant's Time once, hahaha.
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10-30-2014, 05:16 AM, (This post was last modified: 10-30-2014, 05:16 AM by Crossroads.)
RE: movie 'FURY' with Brad Pitt
Fury premieres in two days in this part of the world, I am definitively going to see it this weekend. I've tried to steer clear of any spoilers, I am bit concerned of the reported hollywood finale.

On the other hand, it is good to know there is one, so I can be prepared for it and just enjoy the footage instead.

5 tankers vs 300 SS Nazis though... ? Hmm... Sound a bit Ltn Aldo to me!

Just to be prepared, I watched this rental the other day. 13 samurais ambushing and killing the evil shogun and all of his 200 soldier entourage Whip

[Image: 13_assassins_0.jpg]

Now I know the odds are quite not the same, but then again, no Easy-8s for them, just their katanas. Mex Big Grin
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10-30-2014, 06:50 AM,
RE: movie 'FURY' with Brad Pitt
(10-30-2014, 05:16 AM)Battle Kat Wrote: Fury premieres in two days in this part of the world, I am definitively going to see it this weekend. I've tried to steer clear of any spoilers, I am bit concerned of the reported hollywood finale.

On the other hand, it is good to know there is one, so I can be prepared for it and just enjoy the footage instead.

5 tankers vs 300 SS Nazis though... ? Hmm... Sound a bit Ltn Aldo to me!

Just to be prepared, I watched this rental the other day. 13 samurais ambushing and killing the evil shogun and all of his 200 soldier entourage Whip

[Image: 13_assassins_0.jpg]

Now I know the odds are quite not the same, but then again, no Easy-8s for them, just their katanas. Mex Big Grin

History is full of lop sided battles in which a smaller force, against all odds, emerges victorious or is so heroic that the battle becomes a legend. Off the top of my head, Spartans at Thermopylae; Jewish rebels at Masada; Battle of the Box Wagon near Fort Kearney; remnants of 24th Foot at Rourke's Drift; Marines at Wake Island; Australians at Tobruk; 101st at Bastogne; Taffey 3 off of Samar Island, and many other fights in which a few stood off many.

It is a military maxim that a few troops at the right time, at the right location can be worth many more troops at a later time period. History is full of things that never should have happened, but for the bravery and courage of a few that stood their ground against overwhelming odds. I can't speak to Fury as I've not seen it; however, history has many stories such as one portrayed in a movie I recently watched on the defense of Vienna from the Turks by the outnumbered Austrians and the Poles in the 13/14th Century.

Desperate stands are one of those things that have always fascinated me. They happened even before there was a Hollywood to gloss over it. One of my favorite books is Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors about Taffey 3 being caught totally by surprise by the Japanese Center Force off of Samar. Suicidal charges to launch torpedoes from destroyers and destroyer escorts against cruisers and battleships which should have been a total rout. However, their actions were so ferocious that the Japanese Commander lost his nerve to push his advantage and retired without realizing just how close he came to disrupting the invasion of the Philippines.

As to Petri's point, Seven Samurai and the Magnificent 7 are in a similar fashion. They are both great movies.

Wooty WOOOT...Soap Box

Jim vK
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10-30-2014, 08:06 AM, (This post was last modified: 10-30-2014, 08:13 AM by Westland.)
RE: movie 'FURY' with Brad Pitt
I miss Chuck Norris in the movie.He would have destroyed only three SS batallions.Only with an Uzi in the right hand and Hollywood ammunition.With the left hand he had repaired Fury.
Or John Rambo.Whis his magic bow and arrows Tungsten steel.He would wipe out whole armored divisions.
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10-30-2014, 08:51 AM,
RE: movie 'FURY' with Brad Pitt
Come and See was dark (if you want a WW2 film like that). I've not seen Fury yet but I will on DVD - have no great expectations after the reviews I have seen.

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