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Middle East
11-29-2014, 02:30 PM,
Middle East

I returned recently and have sort of been pulled away by Jason Petho. He ambushed me, knocked me over the head, kidnapped me kicking and screaming to help him with CS: Middle East.

So as I slave away in the heat of the Egyptian desert, I hope all goes well with you.

Contact front! They need us at the forts as soon as possible so move, move, move. Ignore the infantry. Incoming missiles! Damn, more Saggers.

Have a great Thanksgiving Day weekend.

Jim vK
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11-30-2014, 05:28 AM, (This post was last modified: 11-30-2014, 05:30 AM by Crossroads.)
RE: Middle East
Lots of work going on with "Middle East".

Read2 Write

If you haven't visited the Matrix forum for a while, have a look! Here's Berto's latest Coder Diary about two new Zoomed-in 2D views: LINK

And have a look at the new map graphics as well! Berto and Mike are redoing the whole map + units thing there. Those desert maps... And not to mention the new water hexes, so clear and beautiful!

Good news: all those goodies will also be coming to JTCS sometimes in 2016 with the MEGA Update for those still around then. Once "Middle East" and maybe another game or two is out first.

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11-30-2014, 08:10 AM,
RE: Middle East
Can't wait for this new title.
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11-30-2014, 09:47 AM,
RE: Middle East
(11-30-2014, 08:10 AM)RADO Wrote: Can't wait for this new title.

If the battles I've had with Jason are any indication, this is something most definitely worth waiting for... My first swirling armor battle of '67 was a tremendous rush... and the first Sagger kill... wow, the tactical feel is definitely matching up with what I'm reading about with the '73 battles...

I have many fights going with Jason as we tighten up the scenarios... and I feel the drama in them...

Its still a work in progress, but I'm enjoying the work... despite being kidnapped... and assaulted by the Tigers like a Sherman in the hedgerows...

Woo Hoo...
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