06-03-2015, 01:29 AM,
RE: Black Sea Discussions
(06-02-2015, 10:03 AM)PoorOldSpike Wrote: Speaking for myself I've decided I don't like the BT level.
It was my idea to use it for the tourney to see if it helps smooth the spotting mechanics, and it's too early to tell but it was worth a try.
(06-02-2015, 10:03 AM)PoorOldSpike Wrote: But even if it does help spotting, the huge downside of BT is that you know the exact status of an enemy unit by clicking on it, which is highly unrealistic.
Oh, I totally forgot about that. Yeah that sucks rocks. One of the great things about this game is the FOW including not knowing the operational status of the enemy gear. There ya go - learn something / reminded of something new every day.
06-03-2015, 02:53 AM,

Posts: 16
Joined: Jul 2004
RE: Black Sea Discussions
Yeah....I had forgotten about that as well. Clicking on a squad and knowing its condition is a serious realism issue. @A Canadian Cat- Thanks for the explanation of the borg spotting. I really didn't realize that the units "act" on that information, it's not just that the player can see the enemy units.
06-03-2015, 03:25 AM,
RE: Black Sea Discussions
Yeah, it is a subtle but important difference.
06-03-2015, 02:39 PM,
(This post was last modified: 06-08-2015, 11:07 PM by PoorOldSpike.)
Lieutenant General

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Joined: Mar 2007
Ukraine Storm CMBS Tourney
(Ongoing tourney game)- Eniced73's Ukrainians have occupied one of the minor objectives, so I send in this Russian combined arms detachment to flush them out. (trees toggled off for this screenshot)
On paper my force is strong enough to do the job, consisting of a T-90AM, a Tunguska and several infantry half-squads (red circle).
My T-90 trundles on 'slow' to tackle a Ukrainian infantry group head on (blue circle)-
and routs them with pointblank MG fire.
But things quickly go pear-shaped when my infantry are stopped in their tracks and routed by small arms fire from unspotted enemies in the background trees, then my attack breaks down completely when a Ukrainian AT-team appears (blue arrow) and knocks out my T-90..
The missilemen's view, it was an RPG-22 that did it. With my infantry routed, the AT-team had a free hand to pick their target without interference.
The T-90 saw them at the last second and began to swivel its turret towards them, but too late.
Amazingly my Tunguska never fired a shot during the entire engagement, I presume the treetrunks messed up its lines of sight..
Newsflash: Raz Atoth signs up for the tourney!
Updated competitors list-
Raz Atoth
06-04-2015, 02:04 AM,
RE: Black Sea Discussions
Cool stories.
06-04-2015, 10:33 AM,
(This post was last modified: 06-08-2015, 11:08 PM by PoorOldSpike.)
Lieutenant General

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Joined: Mar 2007
Ukraine Storm CMBS Tourney
(Ongoing tourney game)- Groan...do you ever have have one of those battles where nothing seems to go right for you?
My ongoing tourney game with GazNZ is just such a game, for example here my T-90 (right) noses through the woods and fires pointblank at his Bulat, but the shot hits a treetrunk..
The tanks continue slowly towards each other but my T-90 is distracted by loose infantry nearby and swings its turret towards them, and GazNZ's Bulat delivers this killing shot..
Newsflash: Alwaysfish signs up for the tourney!
Updated competitors list-
Raz Atoth
06-04-2015, 05:06 PM,
(This post was last modified: 06-08-2015, 11:09 PM by PoorOldSpike.)
Lieutenant General

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Joined: Mar 2007
Ukraine Storm CMBS Tourney
(Ongoing tourney game)- Groan again, who's side are the trees on?
They blocked my tanks fire against GazNZ's tank in the earlier screenshot, yet in the shot below they let his RPG-22 missileman fire through them to nobble my APC!
Left: my APC is racing at top speed to reinforce the main battle area, yet the AT guy (blue circle) lets fly through the trunks.
Right: his view, he's brazenly standing there like Big Man on Campus....
06-05-2015, 04:11 PM,
(This post was last modified: 06-08-2015, 11:09 PM by PoorOldSpike.)
Lieutenant General

Posts: 2,863
Joined: Mar 2007
Ukraine Storm CMBS Tourney
(Ongoing tourney game)- Raz Atoth's Ukrainian missileman hits my T-90AM with an RPG-22 as it leads an infantry column through the town and into the woods, but the tanks reactive armour saves it from serious damage..
The missileman sends the clear message- "In town you're the law, but out here it's me!"
06-05-2015, 08:09 PM,
(This post was last modified: 06-11-2015, 11:09 AM by PoorOldSpike.)
Lieutenant General

Posts: 2,863
Joined: Mar 2007
Ukraine Storm CMBS Tourney
GazNZ's Ukrainians get a Tactical victory, sweeping him to the top of the tourney leaderboard!
I racked up a good kill score by knocking out 8 of his AFV's, but he surpassed it by taking 2 of the 3 objectives.
(Endgame shot: National flags denote undisputed ownership of objectives, neutral grey denotes joint ownership)
A fair result, GazNZ kept me out of minor objs #1 and #3 so I concentrated most of my strength against major obj #2 and kept it neutral..
Obj #2 ended up like a butchers yard with 9x Ukrainian tanks, APC's and trucks destroyed or dismounted (blue circles), and 4x Russian tanks and APC's in a similar state (red circles).
The two white circles are the only two survivors of the carnage, my T-90AM (left) and GazNZ's Bulat (right)..
Endgame shot: Gunfight in main street, my T-90AM (foreground) is alive but his mate down the road and a Ukrainian Tunguska and truck are trashed..
The other 6 games are still ongoing.
1- GazNZ (Tactical victory 649-360)
2- Hunter2 (Draw 377-411)
"There be of them, that have left a name behind them, that their praises might be reported"
-(KJV Bible: Ecclesiasticus 44:8)
06-06-2015, 05:01 AM,

Posts: 73
Joined: Aug 2013
RE: Black Sea Discussions
My Bulat was behind his tank - you cannot see in the pic
so 5 seconds later his tank would have been destroyed
I should have moved my tank earlier to kill his tank and take superiority of the center
would have saved my tung, and BTR and troops lost in the last turn.
Instead i stayed back 25 seconds to kill his unmanned T -90 and get the kill points
I regret that as the main objective was worth more points
but mistakes happen
was a really intense game
thoroughly enjoyed it