(10-24-2017, 09:33 AM)acctingman69 Wrote: Ok, think I'm on the right track.
"C:\Matrix Games\John Tiller's Campaign Series\autorun.exe -W-T Random.scn"
I get problem with shortcut message. File Path is not valid
Close! But not quite there
To repeat the whole thing, in case someone else is interested on how to create shortcut commands, here's how to do it step by step. I am using East Front (ef.exe) as the sample, works the same with all other exes, including all editors (should you want to try the -X noEncryption option).
1. Go to your game folder, in this case \East Front, and right click at ef.exe, select "Copy"
2. Go to your Desktop, right click it at a place where you want your icon, and select "Paste Shortcut"
Now you have a shortcut to your ef.exe at your Desktop. You can move it about if you want.
3. Right click at the ef.exe shortcut, select "Properties".
4. Select the Shortcut tab, see the "Target:" text box:
There's a long text within parentheses: "C:\Matrix Games\John Tiller's Campaign Series\East Front\ef.exe"
5. Go to end of line, add, after parentheses: -W -T.
It should now say: "C:\Matrix Games\John Tiller's Campaign Series\East Front\ef.exe" -W -T
Note the white space between -W and -T, it will not work otherwise
6. Click OK to close the Properties dialog.
Now you are good to open any exe with the said parameters.
7. Click at the ef.exe shortcut icon, East Front opens with no game loaded.
8. Select File->New, select the scenario you want to have played in AI-vs-AI mode, and it starts to battle on.
As the battle has commenced, go to Options->Details, set it to "Low" to get rid of Damage dialogs as well.
This maybe looks complicated, but it's really not *that* complicated, there's just a good few little steps there.
The nice thing about this is now you can start any New scenario file and have it go at AI-vs-AI.
Hope this helped!