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The Grand Campaign by Indragnir
10-24-2008, 05:35 AM, (This post was last modified: 04-10-2010, 04:26 AM by Mr Grumpy.)
The Grand Campaign by Indragnir
The Grand Campaign
By César Librán Moreno “Indragnir”.

Changes from 1.0 to 1.2 (Thanks to Jim Brammer (BRAMMER) for his suggestions and playtest)

Raised fatigue recovery from 8 to 10
Lowered axis air interception from 3 to 0

Set all PILLBOXES upon Bocage as vacated.
Eliminated AT Ditch at (144,51) due lack of engeneers Brithish Commandos were unable to assault.
Juno Beach: weakened Bernieres from PILLBOX to BUNKER.
Omaha beach: Weakened Omaha defenses (mainly change BUNKER and Colleville defenses to TRENCH, make all PILLBOX change to pillbox but one)
Lot of VP added to [areas] : Caen, Cherburg, St Sauver, St Lo-Evrecy, Bocage rich in VP locations and german rearguard.
Bunkers at Carentan. Tilly Sur Suelles area reinforced.
Removed the everlasting deception units.

Replacement for all US forces, very few for british, for german the worst the unit the more replacement (SS divs 0%-1%, infantry 2%)
SA values from infantry units lowered, assault values for "regular" infantry lowered, SA from tanks both sides) increased.
Elite troops more elite than before. (I mean Rangers, Paras, Commandos).
British arty increased values a little.

Duplicate Command range for German HQ
Raised german 352th ID to quality B (unless rgt 726 and FE352, remained as E and C quality units )
Raised german 12.FJ.Aufk.Abt. to quality B
Raised german FJ.Regt.6 to quality A.
Lowered Sturm.Btl.AOK.7 assault rating to 30
Increased NW 15cm SA rating from 22 to 25

Increased Air power, lowered naval power (a little both).

Should be played with that Rules: Alternative Assault Resolution, Artillery setup, Low Visibility Air Effects, Counterbattery Fire, Night Fatigue, Programmed Weather, Limited Air Recon.
Explicit Supply is recomended.

Please note that : Alternative Indirect Fire Resolution. Alternative Direct Fire Resolution, Alternative Assault Resolution are KEY rules for this scenario.

This version of 750 turns Monster Campaign is heavily based upon Jon Sowden and Volcano Man works.
It includes: .scn, .oob, .pdt, .map files
It doesn’t incluide Jon Sowden art or Volcano’s art, please download them from Glenn’s website or Volcano’s website.
I’ve copied some of Jon Sowden original .doc file here when relevant for that scenario, please read it in the Word Doc. in the zip file.

Scenario Changes
Better defensive terrain for german player to hold their ground. Lowered Field, Orchard and such terrain to encourage German player hold that terrain.
Hundreds of small VP locations to avoid German player rush back to bocage.
Beach congestioned, mined and beachlanded troops disrupted, plus BUNKER and PILLBOXES should make interesting the first day.
Raised german assault ratings to avoid continous dislodgment by Allied assaults once Germans are entrechted at Bocage.
VP count: up to 24999 vp is a Draw.

CHANGES to Jon Sowden work and Stock Campaign.

PDT changes
Used Volcano Man_alt version values except:
1) Increase Digging in ratio from 5% to 10%
2) BUNKERS -20% +20 and PILLBOXES -30% +30
3) Greatly increased terrain combat values: Town: -55%, City -60%, Forest -40%. Industrial -70% and Bocage -70%
4) Set Improved position to -10% and Trenches -20%
5) Lower a little some terrain like Brush and Field to encourage german players to use the best terrain and let german player punish advancing allied units

Used Jon Sowden scenario with these changes:
1) Change fortification near Colleville to Trench, as per Volcano Man idea.
2) To slow Allied tidal-wave like advances early in the game I streghtened Axis beach positions. (Not Omaha nor Utah)
3) Use Volcano Man for Ranger at Point du Hoc idea: vacated bunker, small supply source to avoid isolation and disrupted defenders.
4) Upgraded Tilly sur suelles to PILLBOX.

Used Jon Sowden version (with some bits of Volcano Man work) with that changes:

1) Allied tanks
1.1) Sherman Firefly: use Jon Sowden values (Higer defense values) with Volcano Man Hard attack ratings (67/3)
1.2) Sherman M4A2/IIIA: I standarized a little to avoid complex tracking of what unit do what, (eliminate Defense rating disparity between DD Shermans and no DD Shermans)and set HA for sherman to 23/2
1.3) Tetrarchs CS: use Jon Sowden values (Higer defense values) with Volcano Man attack ratings (mainly SA 17/2)
1.4) Tank Destroyers use Jon Sowden values (Higher defense values) with Volcano Man Hard attack rating (mainly 41/2 and 72/3)
1.5) 105 mm gun Cromwell and Sherman tanks use Volcano attack ratings (HA 7/1 SA 28/3)

2) Use Volcano Man LCT® Defense rating
3) Increased non bridge Engeneers assault ratings to 20
4) Standarize quality, range and attack ratings from all Ships.
5) Greatly increase Defense for all AT guns units (set to 20) to simulate concealment, camouflage and knowlede of terrain. Increase some (6 and 17 PDR, 76mm) HA values.

Air Units
Used stock values for US bombers
P-47 reduced SA from 29 to 25
P-38 reduceded SA from 29 to 21
P-51 increased HA from 5 to 10, lowered SA from 19 to 17
A-20 lowered HA from 9 to 8, increased SA from 20 to 25
A-26 lowered HA from 18 to 8, lowered SA from 48 to 28
B-17 set HA 17, SA 45
Spitfire LF.IX increased HA from 5 to 10
Mosquito lowered HA from 20 to 10, lowered SA from 41 to 20
Mitchell II lowered HA m 20 to 8, lowered SA from 33 to 19
B-25 / A-20 lowered HA from 14 to 8
Lancaster lowered HA from 14 to 13
Halifax lowered HA from 13 to 10

British and Commonwealth
1) 3inch mortar and Mortar carriers changed to SA 15/3. To avoid “en masse” elimination of mortar carriers (and they’ll be more efective)
2) Reduced Allied MG units range to 3 and removed Indirect fire trait.
3) Increased British Commandos Assault ratings to 24 and defense rating to 18
4) Increased 5,5 Inch Gun to SA 17 (from 10)
5) Increased 7,2 inch gun to SA 22/18 (from 18/16)
6) Removed Indirect Fire trait from Centaurs
7) Changed 4,5inch gun to HA 4/21, SA 12/21
8) Changed Churchil VII croc FT HR to 23/2 and improved assault value to 30 from 22
9) AEC Matador: Lowered HA range from 2 to 1.

1) Raised american MMG Pltn from 1/0 to 3/1 and from 2/1 to 14/2
2) Lowered Infantry HW (foot) assault rating to 11
3) Increased Ranger assault rating to 20.
4) Increased Paratroops assault rating from 15 to 20
5) 50 Cal HMG increaed SA rating from 9/2 to 20/2
6) US Para HW increased SA rating from 12/3 to 15/3
7) Glider US HW Co lowered SA rating from 17/3 to 15/3
8) Changed 49th Combat Eng. Batt (1st Eng. Brigade) and 348th Engr Combat Bn (1st Army troops) from Bridge to Mine.
9) 155L45 Gun M1A1 Stanadired range to 24 for HA and SA values.
10) 704th TD Bn changed M-18 to M-10 TD.
11) 603th TD Bn changed M-18 76mm to M-18 Hellcat.

1) Pz Kw IVF(1) increased SA to 20/2
2) Somua(f) HT 75L46 and Hotchkiss H-39 75L46 increased HA from 24/2 to 37/2 and reduced assault rating to 3 from 16
3) Hotchkiss H-39 105H Increased SA rating from 10/ to 23/2
4) Marder II increased HA to 33/2 from 23/2
5) Stug IIID increased SA to 20/2 from 10/2
6) PzJag Ib increased HA to 11/1 from 9/1
7) Panther VG increased HA 3 hex range, SA rating to 19/2 (from 14/1) and defense to 25 (from 22)
8) Stug IIIG increased HA rating to 33/2 from 24/2
9) Jagdpanzer IV increased HA rating to 33/3 from 24/2, increased defense to 16 from 15
10) PzKw VIe Tiger increased HA 3 hex range .SA to 24/2 from 14/1, increased defense to 24 from 22
11) Jagdpanther V .. Increased SA from 13/1 to 19/2 and defense from 22 to 26
12) Sturmpanzer IV increased SA rating from 18/2 to 39/4
13) Standarized all PzKW IVh to HA 38/3
14) StuG H42 increased SA rating to 26/3 from 17/2

1) Lowered all SdKfz vehicles (unless 234-2 and 234-3, and 251-9 models) to assault 2
2) P107(f) HT 20AA 21Pz lowered assault rating from 14 to 2
3) SdKfz 250-4 Lowered SA range from 2 to 1
4) SdKfz 234-3 Increased SA rating from 13 to 19
5) SdKfz 251-9 Increased SA rating from 13 to 19
6) SdKfz 251/22 Increased HA rating from 24/2 to 37/2

Anti Air
1) Changed 88L71 PaK43 21Pz to 88L56 AA FLAK 18 (21st PzD)
2) 88L56 AA FLAK 18 Changed values to HA 80/4, SA 24/2 AA 20/5 Defense 20
3) Increased all vehicles and guns with 37L98 FlaK 18 SA rating to 17/2 from 11/1
4) FlakPz IV Wirbelwind increased SA from 14/ to 25/2, increased AAR to 25/2
5) Lowered assault rating from all non 88L56 AA units to 2 (to avoid their use in a ahistorical role)

1) Give all AT guns defense 20 (to simulate concealment, camouflage and knowledge of terrain)
2) 75L46 PaK 40 gun Increased HA rating from 24 to 37
3) 88L71 PaK 43 Increased HA range to 4 from 2, increased SA ratings to 20/2 from 10/1

1) Standarized all axis 105 mm artillery guns based units to HA 6/12 SA 14/12
2) 170L50 K 18 increased SA rating to 22 from 18
3) 30cm NW 42 increased SA rating to 40 from 30
4) 210L31 Morser increased HA and SA ratings to 10/18 and 26/18
5) 24cm 'Theodor Bruno' set to HA 9/30 SA 30/30
6) 28cm NW 41 increased SA to 35/2

Infantry (Motorized and Half-Track)
1) Standarized PzG HW (HT/Motorized) set SA to 16/3 (from various ratings)
2) Standarized PzG HW (HT/Mot) assault rating to 20 (HT) and 14 (Motorized)
3) Standarized all Pz Gren (HT) SA rating to 14/2 and assault rating to 27 (unless Pz.Feld.Erz.Btls)
4) Standarized all Pz Gren (Mot) SA rating to 9/2 from various ratings and assault rating to 18 (unless Pz.Feld.Erz.Btls)
5) Standarized all Pz Gren (HT) Aufk.Abt. units from various ratings to SA 19/2 and assault 31.
6) Standarized all Pz Gren HW (HT) Aufk.Abt. units from various ratings to SA 24/3 and assault 24
7) Standarized all Pz Gren (Motorized) Aufk.Abt. units from various ratings to SA 12/2 and assault 20.
8) Standarized all Pz Gren HW (Motorized ) Aufk.Abt. units from various ratings to SA 16/3

Infantry (foot)
1) Standarized all Axis Heavy Weapon company (foot infantry) to 15/3
2) Standarized Axis foot infantry range from 2 to 1, however I kept those different values in SA (ranging from 7 to 10) because I think it fits very well with german equipment disparity at Normandy.
3) Lowered all Foot Infanfry HW company assault rating to 13 from various ranges
4) Increased non Feld.Erz. Foot Infantry assault rating from various ratings to 16 (vs 12 American assault rating, 16 for British). This will let German forces in American areas hold better against American assaults.(Watch out for American combat engineers, they are very strong in assault)
5) Standarized all Falls. Division infantry units SA to 8/1
6)Increased range from MG Batt to 3

1) Increased non bridge Engineers assault ratings between 20 and 40 (foot, motorized, half-track...)
2) Standarized all Pioneer (HT) to SA 15/2 from various values. Assault rating to 40.
3) Standarized all Pioneer (Motorized) to SA 11/2 from various values. Assault rating to 30.
4) Standarized Pioneer (Foot/Bcy) assault rating to 25. (usually SA value is 1 point higher than their parent infantry grenadier regiments)
5) Give all Pioneer units Mine clearing capacity.

1) 101.s.SS.Pz.Abt. Increased Quality from B to A.
2) Sturm.Btl.AOK.7 Increased assault rating to 32 from 18
3) Keep 6th Falls. Rgt assault ratings (17)
4) Lowered 91th LLD defense from 18 to 16

Huge Scenario 750 Turns, Designer Indragnir

Any comments on this scenario can be posted in this thread.
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05-15-2009, 08:45 AM, (This post was last modified: 05-30-2010, 01:50 AM by Mr Grumpy.)
RE: The Grand Campaign
New version of this scenario. :)

"I was working on a new version (artillery were causing too much casualties, small units on protective terrain almost imprevious to enemy fire), you cand download it here.

So, use only assault resolution rule (from former 4 alt resolution rules)
Should be played with that Rules: Alternative Assault Resolution, Artillery setup, Low Visibility Air Effects, Counterbattery Fire, Night Fatigue, Programmed Weather, Limited Air Recon.
Explicit Supply is recomended.

About carpet bombers, yes they should be used against pre-set areas.

Here it is the main changes:
Changes from 1.2 to 1.3: (Thanks to Von Nev).
-Fixed Beach fire effect value to 200% from 10%
-Change all DD Sherman companies to “normal” Sherman companies (removing amphibious)
-Fixed Centaur treated like artillery units instead tanks.
-Standarized Ship ratings.
-Set Stockpiling to 0%
-Raised Axis Arrival Reinforcement Value from 10-20% to 40% (mostly)
-Fixing some minor errors.
-Added bunker/pillboxes East and West of Caen.
-Lowered maximum stack limitation to 1000.
-Lowered Allied Air Interdiction to 25% from 30%. "

Download Scenario Files
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06-11-2020, 02:43 PM,
RE: The Grand Campaign by Indragnir
Missing almost all unit pictures and 2D map graphics bad.
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06-11-2020, 05:38 PM,
RE: The Grand Campaign by Indragnir
(06-11-2020, 02:43 PM)Bioman Wrote: Missing almost all unit pictures and 2D map graphics bad.

Thought this was a new thread then the penny dropped, bad memories, if I remember correctly, the US engineers arriving at Omaha in the follow up waves although flagged as bridging do not have this capability, this is a game changer.
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06-13-2020, 11:54 AM, (This post was last modified: 07-05-2020, 08:36 AM by Green.)
RE: The Grand Campaign by Indragnir
(06-11-2020, 02:43 PM)Bioman Wrote: Missing almost all unit pictures and 2D map graphics bad.

The original artwork was pre-Gold and so was missing the NATO unit symbols. I have uploaded a zip file with Gold versions of the art, if you are interested. It is not perfect but does the job. It may include a number of unnecessary files but hopefully there are no gaps. You can get it here;

Artwork - Grand Campaign (6 Jun-19 Aug).zip

A version using my Leader Mod can be found here;


The problem with the 2D map is that it is also pre-Gold and the colors associated with the terrain elevations are out of step by 200m. I can give you map files that correct for this but they would only be usable for this scenario (or any other scenario using the particular map). So if you were playing different scenarios you would need to change back and forth or have two separate installations of the game. Let me know if you want these.

Edit - After giving it some thought, rather than having to swap map files to fix the elevation colors, I decided it would be easier to create a modified version of the scenario that uses the standard map. I have called it '# Grand Campaign (6 Jun-19 Aug) Gold Map' and added it to the zip. The maps are identical except that the Jon Sowden map has some additional location names.

Edit - Forgot to mention that the zip file includes new art for all Naval units, so the existing files will be over-written. Make a back-up first if you are concerned about this.
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06-13-2020, 11:57 AM,
RE: The Grand Campaign by Indragnir
(06-11-2020, 05:38 PM)Lowlander Wrote:
(06-11-2020, 02:43 PM)Bioman Wrote: Missing almost all unit pictures and 2D map graphics bad.

Thought this was a new thread then the penny dropped, bad memories, if I remember correctly, the US engineers arriving at Omaha in the follow up waves although flagged as bridging do not have this capability, this is a game changer.

You are correct, Ian. It was a deliberate change. The notes say;

"Changed 49th Combat Eng. Batt (1st Eng. Brigade) and  348th Engr Combat Bn (1st Army troops)  from Bridge to Mine."

But the artwork was not changed, which I assume was just an oversight.
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06-13-2020, 05:42 PM, (This post was last modified: 06-14-2020, 04:38 AM by Lowlander. Edit Reason: expand reply )
RE: The Grand Campaign by Indragnir
(06-13-2020, 11:57 AM)Green Wrote:
(06-11-2020, 05:38 PM)Lowlander Wrote:
(06-11-2020, 02:43 PM)Bioman Wrote: Missing almost all unit pictures and 2D map graphics bad.

Thought this was a new thread then the penny dropped, bad memories, if I remember correctly, the US engineers arriving at Omaha in the follow up waves although flagged as bridging do not have this capability, this is a game changer.

You are correct, Ian. It was a deliberate change. The notes say;

"Changed 49th Combat Eng. Batt (1st Eng. Brigade) and  348th Engr Combat Bn (1st Army troops)  from Bridge to Mine."

But the artwork was not changed, which I assume was just an oversight.

It was a long time ago John, but from memory a competent German player will blow all the Vire river bridges and deploy his forces elsewhere, therefore the Omaha beach forces can either spend a few days recovering or swing round St- Lo.
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06-14-2020, 08:02 AM,
RE: The Grand Campaign by Indragnir
(06-13-2020, 11:54 AM)Green Wrote: The original artwork was pre-Gold and so was missing the NATO unit symbols. I have uploaded a zip file with Gold versions of the art, if you are interested. It is not perfect but does the job. It may include a number of unnecessary files but hopefully there are no gaps.

There were some gaps! I have updated the download file in my post above.

Also included is a modified version of Jon Sowden's 'BMP Checker' scenario with displays the entire OOB.
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06-14-2020, 08:10 AM,
RE: The Grand Campaign by Indragnir
(06-13-2020, 05:42 PM)Lowlander Wrote: It was a long time ago John, but from memory a competent German player will blow all the Vire river bridges and deploy his forces elsewhere, therefore the Omaha beach forces can either spend a few days recovering or swing round St- Lo.

I have not actually played this version. My limited experience is with the stock scenario and the Jon Sowden version. In both my memory is that the Germans have a very tough time recreating history once the Allies secure the beaches. Very hard, I guess, in such a long and complex game to get the balance right. Still, I may give this one a try at some point.
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