Graphics changes: There's a new '200' zoom level 'features' graphic sheet and 'mag' level sheet for 'symbols'. These new zoom levels seem to replace the previous zoomed in level (which worked on the old '100' 'features' sheet). BUT - if, like me, you preferred Philippe's excellent mods, then you can just take the new zoom level 'feature' sheets out of the graphics folder (or re-name them) and the program reverts to zooming on the basis of the old '100' sheets (with 3 levels of zoom, still), hence you can use Philippe's mods (or any other mod) as before. Haven't experimented with moving out the 'symbols mag' sheet yet, but that might be more complicated as there are many more symbols on the new sheets compared to the old. Aside from that, I cannot - sorry - see any difference in the new zoom level level of detail.
The counters seem to have gone rather ACW-like. Good if you like that, I suppose.
There's a folder in the graphics folder with 'alt' ground colours etc which gives you same ground colours as in WPW. You have to swap them out. The vanilla colours give height differences quite clearly though.
There are some glitches. I'll try to post pics as I come across them...
This, for example:
That's the right-click hex info view. There's a hedge in the top there, but I don't know what else - too obscure to see. The writing seems to have gotten mixed up. If anyone wants to reproduce then this is the hedge running round the south of Hougoumont.