12-24-2021, 04:57 PM,
First Sergeant

Posts: 207
Joined: Jul 2020
Combat Values
I was having a look at the Parameter Data Editor and the section on Combat Values.
I noticed these values are in line 3 in Main.pdt .
For example in Africa At War mine reads (cannot remember if I modified it from vanilla or not),
6 60 12 120 24 240
These values correspond to
fire low loss value
fire high loss value
defend low loss value
defend high loss value
attack low loss value
attack high loss value
What is the difference between 'low' and 'high' ;
What is the difference between ' fire' , 'defend'' and 'attack' .
I made a note about a year ago from a thread here that was posted -
"I adjust the 60 Fire High Loss Value to 120 as well, to give a little more casualty rate!"
I would like to tweak the Combat Results Table to be more brutal ,can I only adjust this number "Fire High Loss Value" or can I adjust the other variables too? I wanted higher casualties particularly for low ratio combat attacks (as in a weak unit attacks a stronger unit). Does this mean I need to adjust "fire low loss value"?
12-24-2021, 08:57 PM,
Warrant Officer

Posts: 265
Joined: Dec 2020
RE: Combat Values
Hi Barly, those pairs of low/high numbers reflect the range boundaries for casualties resulting from firing, defending (assault) and attacking (assault) respectively.
A number is randomly generated between those boundaries and modified according to a unit's or weapon's combat value. This yields the actual losses for the opposing side.
So yes, increasing the Fire Low Loss Value parameter should result in lower-strength firing units inflicting a higher number of casualties, but that will also be the case for stronger units. SB does not work with CRTs so all modifications are applied across the board. Hope that helps.
12-25-2021, 09:17 AM,
First Sergeant

Posts: 207
Joined: Jul 2020
RE: Combat Values
Thanks for the speedy and informative response.
As a bit of a test I made the first 2 variables 50 and 250 I think from memory-was getting some casualties now. I wanted more of Meat Grinder rather than a Morale Grinder for Combat.
I might even up the Fire Low Loss Value parameter to experiment ,thanks to Xerxes77 for picking up on this part of my question. I also happy to know the meaning of all these values. Thanks very much.
Warhorse thanks for your answer too;
your phrase "while at the same time the weapon got less effective" ; does this mean as battle goes on turn after turn the Weapon Lethality goes down? And if So is a Variable responsible for this (that I could maybe turn off) or is it Hard Coded into the Game to simulate Battle Fatigue ,as in Soldiers start fresh at full Lethality and every time they fire they get less effective?
12-25-2021, 01:12 PM,
Posts: 2,333
Joined: Jun 2001
RE: Combat Values
(12-25-2021, 09:17 AM)Barly Wrote: Thanks for the speedy and informative response.
As a bit of a test I made the first 2 variables 50 and 250 I think from memory-was getting some casualties now. I wanted more of Meat Grinder rather than a Morale Grinder for Combat.
I might even up the Fire Low Loss Value parameter to experiment ,thanks to Xerxes77 for picking up on this part of my question. I also happy to know the meaning of all these values. Thanks very much.
Warhorse thanks for your answer too;
your phrase "while at the same time the weapon got less effective" ; does this mean as battle goes on turn after turn the Weapon Lethality goes down? And if So is a Variable responsible for this (that I could maybe turn off) or is it Hard Coded into the Game to simulate Battle Fatigue ,as in Soldiers start fresh at full Lethality and every time they fire they get less effective?
By default, the game was set up that every shot the weapon would decrease in effectiveness, so in my mod I made most of them X, no decrease, a lot of work but like it more. Some weapons I left alone that were known to wear down quicker. Still, if a weapon is dropped, it will decrease to 50%. This effectiveness setting is in the weapon.dat.
12-25-2021, 01:32 PM,
Warrant Officer

Posts: 265
Joined: Dec 2020
RE: Combat Values
(12-25-2021, 09:17 AM)Barly Wrote: Warhorse thanks for your answer too;
your phrase "while at the same time the weapon got less effective" ; does this mean as battle goes on turn after turn the Weapon Lethality goes down? And if So is a Variable responsible for this (that I could maybe turn off) or is it Hard Coded into the Game to simulate Battle Fatigue ,as in Soldiers start fresh at full Lethality and every time they fire they get less effective?
As Warhorse mentioned, weapon effectiveness is reduced with every shot fired. I believe this was supposed to simulate both mechanical and ammo supply issues. Just how fast a weapon's effectiveness drops depends on the Reliability of the weapon - an 'X' means a weapon will remain fully functional throughout the battle, while an 'F' means it will likely turn into a pea shooter in a very short period, as each shot reduces its effectiveness by up to 30%.
Battle fatigue is actually simulated by a different stat, which is a team's Status (another word for Effectiveness). A team that's being fired upon or assaulted will take losses AND a reduction in effectiveness. This behavior is hard coded.
Both team effectiveness and weapon effectiveness modify the final combat value. So units tend to become less and less lethal as the battle rages on, due to both battle fatigue and weapon degradation.
12-30-2021, 06:42 PM,
First Sergeant

Posts: 207
Joined: Jul 2020
RE: Combat Values
A new question,
The increased movement cost for a Disrupted Infantry Unit ,is it possible to change the modifier to make it less onerous?
I found an old instruction page for HPS Campaign eckmuhl/Talonsoft Battleground Parameter Data Table (.pdt) File ,that says for that game at least the last line in the .pdt corresponds to this factor ; is such a variable present in the Squad Battles Series?
I know it isn't realistic but I prefer faster Infantry Movement even when disrupted.
12-30-2021, 10:43 PM,
Warrant Officer

Posts: 265
Joined: Dec 2020
RE: Combat Values
Not really, the movement penalty for disrupted units is a hard coded value. It also stacks with the ground mode movement penalty, so a disrupted unit on ground can move precious little.
02-14-2023, 05:54 PM,
First Sergeant

Posts: 207
Joined: Jul 2020
RE: Combat Values
Reliability is a stat for both
Weapons and
Do I need to change both to "X"?
02-14-2023, 10:21 PM,
Warrant Officer

Posts: 265
Joined: Dec 2020
RE: Combat Values
(02-14-2023, 05:54 PM)Sean Wrote: Reliability is a stat for both
Weapons and
Do I need to change both to "X"?
Nope, just the weapon.
For loads reliability refers to the intensity of the effect (Illumination, damage, etc) but not to degradation, it also applies mostly to single-use loads.