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Aachen - West Wall Battle
12-02-2024, 07:22 AM,
Aachen - West Wall Battle
With the month of December upon us, it was decided to fulfill a recommendation by one of our supporters, so we started up a West Front scenario called Aachen - West Wall as the Americans. I was informed it's a great scenario for learning how to use engineering units, so it will be fun to experiment with that. I will spend December playing through the session, taking a break from the Middle East and Vietnam games, although I will still spend the first part of the sessions going over the latest and greatest. There was a good turn out during the stream and that lead to lots of brilliant discussion!

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12-06-2024, 12:46 AM,
RE: Aachen - West Wall Battle
I took the time to show of some of the organizations that are coming in the Middle East UPDATE that is due out in January. Then we dove back into the West Front Aachen West Wall scenario. There's a lot of units and we're still running down the retreating Germans, but we have formulated a couple of good plans for attack now and we are working towards that goal! Exciting times and some senseless violence.

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12-09-2024, 03:40 PM,
RE: Aachen - West Wall Battle
We dove straight into the scrapping and continued to push towards the West Wall. The German artillery is showing it's hand and is nailing some of our advance forces, where I am suffering unnecessary casualties. On the bright side, we are advancing well towards our planned crossing points of the Wurm River and we are brushing past most of the German initial resistance so far. There are a number of traffic jams, but we're making excellent progress thus far.

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12-14-2024, 01:42 AM,
RE: Aachen - West Wall Battle
Wow, talk about a lot of artillery fire. The Germans are cranking up their artillery attacks and I'm paying for it. We are only a few kilometres away from the main line, which is exciting! Lots of positive vibes as we get into position to break through. It will be a scrap, but we're making some good progress and clearing the western cities of Germans. They are quite a pain and tedious in their defences and I ran into Pantherturm's for the first time in a scenario. Ahh, learning to deal with new things!

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12-16-2024, 08:04 AM,
RE: Aachen - West Wall Battle
So close! We're 500 metres from the Sharnhorst Line. I don't know how it is defended in that sector yet, but so far, it's been pretty convenient. This makes me wonder if it's a trap, but I'm going to push through anyway and hope to avoid the additional Pantherturm's I keep running across. I also two additional locations where I'm trying to cross, although this is turning ugly indeed due to the German artillery. I've noticed that Hetzer's are nearly impossible to kill, that's a struggle to figure out the best course of action for those. Onward into the valley of death!

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12-19-2024, 06:38 AM,
RE: Aachen - West Wall Battle
Hello Jason:

You got this!



ps: That is a wonderfully informative watch. If anyone wants to learn how to play this game...spending a few hours learning from Jason is an excellent way to begin. He shares his thought, his tactics, and his solutions.
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12-19-2024, 05:07 PM,
RE: Aachen - West Wall Battle
Well then, things are getting very interesting indeed. We managed to cross over the Scharnhorst Line. In one place, but that still counts! I have no idea what I am getting myself into, but I'm sure it will be a doozy. I have a number of crossing locations that I'm trying to attempt to cross although the numerous anti-tank guns and machine guns paired with leaders are just plain evil. It's a bloody affair but a hell of a lot of fun!

Positive vibes, right?!! I appreciate the kind words, thank you so much! and THANK YOU for watching!!

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12-23-2024, 05:52 PM,
RE: Aachen - West Wall Battle
We started off with some reminders about the new UPDATES for Middle East and Vietnam as well as the future plans for the series. Then we dove into the chaos of the Scharnhorst Line, where we did manage to break through in two places. Keep in mind, these are two very small bridgeheads, but any bridgehead is better than none! The German artillery and anti-tank guns continue to be the bane of my existence, but every turn we are making progress. I can't wait to hunt down that artillery, that will be oddly satisfying.

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12-26-2024, 05:02 AM,
RE: Aachen - West Wall Battle
Merry Christmas! I hope Santa was good to everyone! I didn't stream live today, but recorded this prior to Christmas. I continued the play of the AACHEN WEST WALL scenario and continued the advance through the Scharnhorst Line. We have now successfully established three small bridgeheads into through the line. North, South and West of Aachen. It's still extremely messy and I have a lot of work to do yet. My losses are heavy and I fear they won't get any better anytime soon. It is good for the morale to be on the other side of the wall though!

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12-28-2024, 02:15 AM,
RE: Aachen - West Wall Battle
Hello Jason:

My recommendation for that West Wall assault is use your smoke to good purpose.
I also seem to recall you have a formidable amount of airpower to help soften those West Wall Germans.

Have fun storming the castle!
(a pun my family uses...from "princess bride"...;)

Highest regards,

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