Round 1 starts Saturday, March 1, 2025 0000PST, and ends Monday, June 09, 2025, 2359PDT.
El Alamein '42
Software Version: El Alamein '42 4.05.1
Scenario Title: 1023_04: Diversion in the South_Alt
Scenario Filename: #1023_04_Bertram_Alt.scn
Length: 30 turns. 30*3 + 10 = 100 days
Please use the Recommended Rules and Delayed Disruption Reporting, but no Explicit Supply.
Recommended Rules:
Alternative Assault Resolution, Artillery Set Up, Recon Spotting, Virtual Supply Trucks, Low Visibility Air Effects, Quality Fatigue Modifier, Counterbattery Fire, Night Fatigue, Programmed Weather, Limited Air Recon.
When complete please post on this thread the pairing and the Total Points.
Round 1 Pairings