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Do you think this might work Interesting though
01-27-2007, 07:16 AM,
Do you think this might work Interesting though
I dont know if this really works or not ya'll, but thought I would share it anyway, just in case it may lol lol lol

I learned a computer trick today that's really
> >ingenious in its simplicity. As you may know,
> >when/if a worm virus gets into your computer it
> >heads straight for your email address book, and
> >sends itself to everyone in there, thus infecting
> >All your friends and associates.
> >
> > This trick won't keep the virus from getting into
> >your computer, but it will stop it from using your
> >address book to spread further, and it will alert
> >you to the fact that the worm has gotten into your
> >System
> >
> >Here's what you do:
> >
> >First, open your address book and click on "new
> >contact," just as you would do if you were adding a
> >New friend to your list of email addresses.
> >
> >In the window where you would type your friend's
> >First name, type in "A."
> >
> >For the screen name or email address, type
> >"[email protected]".
> >
> >Now, here's what you've done and why it works:
> >
> >The "name" "A" will be placed at the top of your
> >address book as entry#1
> >
> >This will be where the worm will start in an effort
> >to send itself to all your friends.
> >
> > But, when it tries to send itself to
> >[email protected], it will be undeliverable because of
> >The phony email address you entered. If the first
> >attempt fails (which it will because of the phony
> >address), the worm goes no further and your friends
> >Will not be infected.
> >
> >Here's the second great advantage of this method:
> >
> >If an email cannot be delivered, you will be
> >Notified of this in your In Box almost immediately.
> >Hence, if you ever get an email telling you that an
> >email addressed to [email protected] could not be
> >delivered, you know right away that you have the
> >Worm virus in your system. You can then take steps
> >To get rid of it!
> >
> >Pretty slick huh?
> >
> >If everybody you know does this then you need not
> >Ever worry about opening mail from friends
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01-27-2007, 07:38 AM,
RE: Do you think this might work Interesting though
I'd heard about this as well and have had a similar type e-mail address at the top of my list for some time (after my last virus infection).

I don't know if it actually works as advertised, but can't hurt.
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01-27-2007, 08:32 AM,
RE: Do you think this might work Interesting though
You are right It can't hurt..I think I will go for it

Cheers mtk
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01-27-2007, 12:53 PM,
RE: Do you think this might work Interesting though

Did you get my mail ?

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01-27-2007, 06:04 PM,
RE: Do you think this might work Interesting though
Hello Walkure

Yes I got your mail thanks...No problem...Will send my set-up shortly

Cheers Hedgehog
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01-27-2007, 06:29 PM,
RE: Do you think this might work Interesting though
Have sent you mail regarding Set -Up

Cheers Ted
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