Well men since the bar is open let's do two today!
SgtSteiner...You too mister report to the Officer's Club PDQ!
Gary joined The Blitz on October 5th, 2006.
In that time he has recorded 16 wins, 78 losses, 7 draws for a win/loss ratio of .193.
Gary is clearly a brave soul who goes where angels fear to tread by playing the CS ladder king Tiger 88 a whoping 42 times!
Will the Campaign Series Ladder come to attention ...
Gary has become the 92nd active player on the Campaign Series Ladder to have reported 100 games, earning him the Centurion Medal, Second Class.
Let's all give a cheer to SgtSteiner for his accomplishment.
Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!
Gary is here by ordered to spend the night in the O-Club until he drinks his fill!
Since PvP had dibbs on the ceremonial halftrack we have made available a scout section jeep so that Gary can get safely home!
First round is on me!
Extended Party Time!!
Congratulations Gary!
Hawk Out