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Censorship - Another thread to be deleted?
11-05-2008, 06:50 PM,
Censorship - Another thread to be deleted?
Well well, yet another thread deleted, locked etc. I had some valid points to make in the "ch-ch-ch-changes" thread and it's now gone and I want to know why. That discussion was valid and interesting, just because Ed and Randy don't like eachother and had a few things to say to each other in public (probably trying to impress their "supporters" with their "look at the size of my bollocks" argument, but hey-ho). who cares, they get it out of their systems until they either give up or one of them gets banned, isn't that how it's supposed to work?

I've noticed over a long period of time the attempt by "whoever" to sanitise these message boards (not just CS), delete posts, delete threads (even edit other peoples posts from what I hear - is that true?) etc. etc.... well, I think it's pretty bad form personally. Aren't we all generally middle-aged men, experienced in life, experienced in discussion? Of course not everyone is going to get on, of course people are going to have differing opinions, of course sometimes someone is going to take offense to something someone else says, that's how we live, that's how we learn and that's how we decide who we want to associate ourselves with, even who we might like or not like to play.

Stop treating us all like kids, this is either a discussion board or it isn't, I strongly object to having my posts removed - let alone anyone elses, who do you think you are? and don't give me that old "we pay the bills we'll do what we like" rubbish, I've helped pay some of the bills, I've helped when your server wasn't working, hell I even helped Jim spec. out the linux server you're on, but even if I hadn't, I've still been a member of this club since the DAY IT STARTED, how many others still here can say that? and even the guy whose only been here a year has the right to be heard and see what others here are like. This has got to stop, let's have our discussions, lets have our arguments and take it like men, if someone is really out of order, then ban them, don't punish us all, and don't remove threads, lets all see why the person was banned and what they said or threatened to do.

Now discuss THAT. And it's not often I get pissed off enough to do this but if I'm going to stay in this club, and if it's not going to die a death for people not being able to have an adult discussion, then someone has to say it... these message boards are nearly dead, ever wonder why?

I can see how racist posts, or personal threats posts can get locked or deleted, but a discussion thread? what is going on!

If this gets deleted, I will continue to re-post it until I get banned. I will be heard! and I will have my say.

11-05-2008, 07:07 PM,
RE: Censorship - Another thread to be deleted?
I certainly agree this message board is much more interesting these days! I've been checking in daily to read the latest dramas. The American election has passed me by. It would be a pity if anyone got banned though especially as many people have invested so much time into this community over the years if not financially. In fact I might make contribution myself as I've been a freeloader for at least 7 years. :smoke:
11-05-2008, 07:42 PM,
RE: Censorship - Another thread to be deleted?
I agree. Open the thread. Some folks might not like each other but let them have at it as long as they stay within the guidelines.

People don't have to read the thread. In all of the threads arguing and fighting over the new version I never read one of those threads then thought "I don't want to be a part of the Blitz anymore" or "I don't want to play CS anymore because of these threads.
11-05-2008, 08:12 PM,
RE: Censorship - Another thread to be deleted?
Hi Paul

This is what I go by. I really have no more to say about it and I suggest you take it up with Steel God or Red Devil if it don't sit right with you.

20 Message Boards

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Message Boards are moderated by club leadership with discussions concerning historical and game issues relating to each individual ladder. While we respect free speech, we reserve the right to edit or delete messages which we determine to be inappropriate.

Please refrain from personal attacks, ie name calling, or cursing on the message boards. Debate can become heated, but lets keep the flaming to a minimum so that we can have reasoned and impassioned discussion. In recognition of our broad international membership, we discourage the discussion of world politics and current events, as items of discussion that can be disruptive to our hobby.

If you disagree with a message that has been posted and believe it to contravene any of the Blitz rules please do not respond on the board calling for it to be moderated as this tends to escalate the argument and give it more 'airtime' than it necessarily deserves.

The correct procedure is to use the report button in the bottom right corner of the post you are in opposition to. This in turn will open a small box in which you can explain why you feel it needed reporting. The next time the moderator of the board logs on this will get flagged for his attention. He will then make a decision of whether it needs to be moderated or not, and in most cases will respond to you privately with his decision. This keeps arguments off the boards and makes the moderation of the forums a smoother, less confrontational experience for all involved.

As with our gaming ladders, the related message boards are moderated by the Ladder Commanders and their Assistants. In all issues relating to message board content their word is final. If you have further issues with the board moderation contact the club senior officers.
War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen, and I say let us give them all they want.William Tecumseh Sherman
11-05-2008, 08:30 PM,
RE: Censorship - Another thread to be deleted?
Gary, I had something to say I felt strongly about and said it. I wondered what the rest of the members thought about it too.

If someone has posted something so outrageous that an entire thread needs to be deleted, then surely that person should be banned from the club under the rules? and are we not mature enough to read it, and understand why that decision was made? I am annoyed that I bothered to take part in an interesting and important thread about the game I play almost every day of my life, and have played for over 10 years, and it got deleted! the whole discussion got deleted.. that's outrageous and I want to know why. If we can't discuss these things here then what's the point of the message boards? to post jokes and wish people a happy birthday? Jesus Christ Almighty...So Ed and Randy don't like eachother, so what.. I see people arguing all the time in real life, I don't see the police carting them off to jail saying "now then now then, we can't have you arguing in front of all these nice little people, only nice sweet fluffy people allowed here...". Now - whose birthday is it today? did you hear the one about the...... ?
11-05-2008, 08:35 PM,
RE: Censorship - Another thread to be deleted?
Time for one of those vote thingy's maybe?

Let the boys vote on it. Thread anarchism (as long as nothing outrageous) or threads 100% guaranteed not to offend anyone.
11-05-2008, 09:18 PM,
RE: Censorship - Another thread to be deleted?
Paul, I only hear the sound of wheels spinning. I remember your help long ago.

And, it is not that I don't like Randy. I appreciate everything he does to help The Blitz. I do not appreciate his style when posting against someone (and not what they post), and his maneuvering to get a member into a position where they can be banned. In that he is working against the members.

We can hit the little button thingy to report bad posts, but, if it does not apply to officers of the club, where does that leave the ordinary member?

If it is personal with him I am truly saddened to both read it and experience it. It's not been personal with me, except in standing up for my right to have my voice heard.

11-06-2008, 12:33 AM, (This post was last modified: 11-06-2008, 12:34 AM by Mike Abberton.)
RE: Censorship - Another thread to be deleted?
Based on recent history, I don't think anything will change in the board moderation anytime soon, unfortunately. Hopefully things will settle down and everyone can relax someday, but I think it will be a while.

If anyone is looking for a more free-wheeling wargaming message board, let me know. I can point you in a good direction.

11-06-2008, 12:57 AM,
RE: Censorship - Another thread to be deleted?

I posted the following on all boards in September. It's still "stuck" to the top of every message board. It is the policy I wish to see enforced across all forums. If anyone has any questions about it, please feel free to contact me via PM or email (I don't read the forum boards regularly, sorry). Unless someone has reported a post as offensive, or an obvious line has been crossed, I would like the discussion to be less moderated, not more moderated, however if everyone insists on pissing on each others shoes on the boards, and not using the reporting mechanism when they feel lines have been crossed, than it's kind of hard to fault the forum moderator from shutting it down.

And yes, these rules apply to everyone, through the appropriate levels of authority.

Effective immediately we have changed the way in which the forums will be moderated. The Club rules remain the same in regards to what is permissible, but from now on, if you feel that a line has been crossed, and a post violates the posting rules, please use the report button at the bottom of the offending post. You can read the specifics in the Rules Section, or click here:


This is NOT intended to stifle differences of opinion. This is for reporting violations of the posting rules, and abuse of members. It provides 2 benefits. One, it benefits the members, who can report a violation privately without having to fear inadvertently starting a flame war; and two, it benefits the moderators by relieving them of the burden of having to make judgments on what offends and what does not. Clear violations of the posting rules will still be moderated, but borderline posts will be left to stand unless someone reports them. We believe this new method will be an improvement.

Thanks for your cooperation.
11-06-2008, 03:08 AM,
RE: Censorship - Another thread to be deleted?
I don't believe the link is working Paul?

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