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Favorite Scenario Titles
01-09-2010, 10:02 AM,
Favorite Scenario Titles
...not saying this is my favorite...

I always liked "The Last Tank Battle" by MarW...a Poland fight...

...anyone have a favorite?
...naming the baby can sometimes be quite a challenge...

Town Drunk
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01-09-2010, 10:52 AM,
RE: Favorite Scenario Titles
Mr. G

Storm Five-Five-Five by D. Brevard has always been my favorite.

Its like a radio call signal over the wireless in the command tank!

"Get moving Hauptmann we got trouble ahead!"

Ivan The Big:smoke:
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01-09-2010, 11:44 AM,
RE: Favorite Scenario Titles
How about " Through Three Miles of Hell " for WF
Sounds like a drive to work in rush hour
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01-10-2010, 12:19 AM,
RE: Favorite Scenario Titles
Considering EFII only, some titles seem to indicate that only one side has any chance for a victory:

"Knife at the Throat" implies that one side is the knife and the other is the throat; guess which one I would pick.

"Tightening the Noose at Izyum" once again the choice between being the throat or the rope.

"Impending Doom" seems to indicate that one particular side is in a world of doo-doo.

"Mopping Up" sound like an exercise in futility for one side.

"First and Last Stand" indicates an inexperienced force "First" not performing very well "Last" in a defensive position.

Other scenario names make me think of things other than war:

"State Farm 79" always makes me want to compare insurance rates.

"Popov's Doom" brings to mind my last hang over.

"Dancing in the Mist" is like "Singing in the Rain" and I always imagined there was no death and destruction associated with this scenario.

"Piercing the Bulge" make me think of having sex with a pregnant woman.

If I ever create a scenario for testing, I intend to name it in such a manner as to leave no doubt to which side has the advantage:

"The Total and Complete Destruction of the Russia Army" or "Panther's are Blown to Hell".


Give a man fire and he'll be warm for a day.
Light a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

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01-10-2010, 01:31 AM,
RE: Favorite Scenario Titles
I like it when the titles express the emotion of the scenarios. Some of my favs:

Red Steel at Fedorovka - Is it the glorious march of T-34's that is the Red steel? Or, the hulks of T-34's smoking and burning in a red glow. :chin:

The Claw of the Tiger and Fangs of the Tiger - Brings to mind the most lethal nature of that big cat and how you want them on your side? Eek

Hollow Triumph, Not Another Stalingrad, A Time to Die, and Impending Doom - these illicit feelings of dread and futility? Cry

The Razor's Edge - that fine line that must be carefully walked, with all it's anxiety. :scare:

They pretty much live up to their names too!


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01-11-2010, 01:35 AM,
RE: Favorite Scenario Titles
"First and Last Stand" indicates an inexperienced force "First" not performing very well "Last" in a defensive position.

I am currently playing this one and enjoying myself as I literally steam roll forward... At first glance, it looks good... Lots of late war firepower... multiple avenues of attack and defense... many tactical choices for both sides... It has tons of Heavy German Metal and some of the very sweet and heavy JagdTiger/JagdPathers and I think maybe even some Elephants... It's a scraped together German force making a defensive stand to stem the Russian Tidal Wave... AND OH BOY is it a TIDAL WAVE of Heavy Red Steel...

I'm having a good time shooting the place up, but I suspect my opponent is probably a little shell shocked as I roll over his forces and he has little left to defend himself with...

I think this one would be good for a less experience player to take the Russians and the more experienced player to take the Germans to balance it out a bit..

Still, it's awesome to roll the stadium parking lot of IS-2's into the fray... It reminds me a lot of the German side in Giants on the Vistula with all the Heavy German Tigers, Panthers, and King Tigers... However, the Last Stand Horde is a much more balanced force with its infantry and artillery support to the heavies... makes it very hard on the German player... Oh and the rockets and 120mm Mortars... oh oh oh... all that rocket and mortar firepower just busts up any enemy defensive position...

A good scenario, but not for the feint of heart...

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01-11-2010, 10:09 AM,
RE: Favorite Scenario Titles
Probably more German heavy metal than they ever managed to put in any one place?
Like a little more historical scenarios....not an AR...but don't enjoy the impossible either :-)
"The secret to success is not just doing the things you enjoy but rather enjoying everything that you do."
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01-11-2010, 01:01 PM,
RE: Favorite Scenario Titles

...are you drunk with victory?...
Town Drunk
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