I wonder about this too, my opponent in Round 4 of "Storm from the East" Tournament never showed up, and still waiting for the next round since then, as I didn't have any other player reassigned to play that match.
A tournament cannot be abandoned by its players this way, doesn't look serious to me, I mean, when you sign-in you're signing that you'll finish the tournament implicitly, unless there is a BIG reason that's stops you to do so, something that can be understood and aknowledged by all the players.
In our case, I even read someone left the tournament on round 3 because he eventually found out that didn't like the CMRT game engine !!!!
, and another quit in round four because he got tired of the game eventuallyl, plus those who directly vanish and do not even show up anymore without a single word ... I'm sorry, nothing personal, but for me that's having a laugh and a big disrespect to the rest of the players of the tournament along with it.
If someone does not feel that he might not manage to go all the way in a tournament he/she should not sign-in, full stop.
Obviously if a player wants to leave a tournament he will do so, but he/she should be banned from participating in such events in the future if this behavior becomes repetitive on his/her records, as nobody forced him/her to join a tournament which requires extra turn pace, attention and dedication to begin with.
I would like that this kind of quitters would be announced too, in order to avoid participating in future events they might participate too, as I would consider those of a high risk of being abandoned half way through.