(06-18-2021, 06:43 AM)WargameGeneral Wrote: What's your favourite, unmodded SB title and why?

Since I was young, I always had a heavy interest in the the Western Theater of WWII and 99% of my interest came from me watching a TV series called Combat! which stared Vic Morrow.
So when I first found out about John Tiller games and I saw that they offered a WWII Western Theater title at the squad level, it was a "no-brainer" that my first SB title would have to be Eagles Strike.
Going into it, I had never played table-top war games like Squad Leader or Advanced Squad Leader, etc. before, and Eagles Strike and the SB scale of the series, really looked interesting to me.
The first time playing the game, I played against the AI and I wasn't that impressed with it when compared to the Combat Mission Series that I had been playing previously for the last 7-8 years, so I "shelved" the game.
A month or two later, I found myself firing up Eagles Strike and trying it again, as I still found myself being drawn to the subject of the game and the scale of the series. This time I thought a little better about the game as I had a better understanding of what was going on.
A few weeks later, I re-read the game manuals and I tried ES a 3rd time and I fell in love with ES and the series and I have never looked back!
I also quickly found that the SB series plays so much different and is even more enjoyable when you are playing via PBEM especially against friendly log-time opponent.
Even though I am not a big fan of the Eastern Front, I purchased Red Victory on the first day of it's release as my first Eastern Front SB game.
I have said it before and I will say it again that RV can possibly be the best SB game released to date.
It was so well put together and it was easy to see that it was play-tested very thoroughly. If you play it, you will hopefully notice this as well, even though it had been released 10+ years ago.
As many of us already know, John Tiller games are very fun to play and are very addicting.
My all-time SB owned games based on personal interest and subject matter includes:
Even though I really enjoy these games from the SB series, I would have to say that Eagles Strike would be my favorite due to personal interest.
Other "Honorable Mention" titles for me would include RV, PW, PF, KW, TOD, NAM.