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agmoss99 vs. garret Fitzgerald

General of the Army
agmoss99 Thu Nov 04, 2021 2:25 pm
The Russians have a huge number of units. However half the army is redundant when the bridges are blown and insufficient time to repair. The other half crawls along paths with frequent delays. Impossible to reach the objective points. A battle was developing but a number of Russians ran off at the first shot, and it would be impossible to organize an attack in the time remaining.
garret Fitzgerald
Private 1st Class
garret Fitzgerald Thu Nov 04, 2021 2:59 pm
I don't see why a major defeat at this battle ended the scenario-

Especially when there was little chance of a Russian Victory as far as I could tell.

Now, Andy probably could have done it, but it didn't seem likely
garret Fitzgerald
Private 1st Class
garret Fitzgerald Thu Nov 04, 2021 3:00 pm
scratch scenario...add Campaign.

The war ended with this battle and Napoleon gained Europe