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12. Reporting Suspected Cheating.


You may only have one member account, reporting games against a second account is considered a form of cheating. You cannot replay moves, crack open games/files during a game to see your opponent's side, use hex editors or any other nefarious means to gain victory. Earn your wins and losses like a person of integrity by playing fair.

Should you be caught cheating, you are subject to expulsion from the Blitz!

To those who suspect cheating:
If you suspect cheating DO NOT make open accusations either by email or on the forums, such conduct makes you and the club look bad and you will end up the one being reprimanded.. Also, DO NOT ignore suspected cheating, because others will fall victim to this individual. Quietly contact the Ladder Commander with your suspicions so that it can be handled officially behind the scenes. Tell the Ladder Commander why you suspect cheating, submit game files for inspection to the Ladder Commander with the password, and continue on like nothing happened.
Your Ladder Commanders will investigate all allegations of cheating to the best of their ability. The Blitz Club wants to ensure that cheaters do not prosper here.

*Public accusations of cheating on message boards will not be tolerated.*