14. Awards and Medals.
We give the following medals and awards. On the whole, earning a medal is not a simple task. You must have demonstrated your worth through deeds, commitment, or work. If you are recognized, it is because you have earned and deserve it. Each of the following is approved for use in the club.

Praetorian "von Krieg's Own" Medal - Awarded for superior leadership and commitment to the Blitz over an extended period of time. Their individual contribution significantly impacts the overall mission of the club and our membership on a daily basis. Each recipient has spent uncounted hours working for the betterment of the Blitz and our wargaming community. They exhibit outstanding leadership traits and are "Always Out Front". They are the Commander's Shock Troops and all of us should strive to achieve their level of commitment to the Blitz and the Wargaming Community! Awarded by the Club Commander.
Centurion Diamond Medal - Awarded for completing 100 matches on five game ladders. Awarded by the Ladder or Club Commander.
Centurion Platinum Medal - Awarded for completing 100 matches on four game ladders. Awarded by the Ladder or Club Commander.
Centurion Gold Medal - Awarded for completing 100 matches on three game ladders. Awarded by the Ladder or Club Commander.

Centurion Silver Medal - Awarded for completing 100 matches on two game ladders. Awarded by the Ladder or Club Commander.
Millennium Medal - Awarded for completing 1,000 games on multiple ladders.
Centurion Medal - 2K - Awarded for completing over 2000 matches on an individual ladder going up in multiple's of 100. Awarded by the Ladder or Club Commander

Laza's Own - "Primus Prior" Medal - Awarded for completing 1000 matches on an individual ladder.
Primus Prior was the Centurion that commanded the First Cohort and was the senior Centurion of the Legion. Only a few will ever achieve such a rank. As a special recognition to the original "Primus Prior", this group of medal recipients will be recognized as "Laza's Own". Awarded by the Ladder or Club Commander.

Laza's Own - "Primus Prior" Centurion Medal - Awarded for completing over 1100 matches on an individual ladder going up in multiple's of 100. Awarded by the Ladder or Club Commander

Centurion Medals - Awarded for completing a multiple of 100 matches on an individual game ladder. Awarded by the Ladder or Club Commander.
100=Centurion Second Class; 200=Centurion First Class; 300=Centurion Premiere; 400=Centurion Dagger; 500=Centurion Sword; 600=Centurion Rapier; 700=Centurion Scimitar; 800=Centurion Claymore; 900=Centurion Katana.

Order of the Dragon - Awarded for financial donations to the club prior to 2016.

Keeper of the Torch - Awarded for financial donations to the club after 2016.

Patron Medal - Awarded once per year for selfless financial contributions, over and above, in support of the club. Stars denote contributions over multiple years.

Blitzkrieg Achievement Medal - Gold - Awarded for outstanding multiple achievements in the club. For example, organizing and executing five tournaments; and other similar accomplishments achieved over an extended period of time These awards are for superior achievement over an extended period with a long term commitment to bettering our community. They won't be earned easily. You have to work very hard to get one of these. Recommended by the Ladder Commander, approved by the Club Commander.

Blitzkrieg Achievement Medal - Silver - Awarded for outstanding achievement in the club. For example, Tournament Players earn this for emerging the victorious Tournament Champion during tournament play or some other similar achievement. These awards are for extended and long term commitment to bettering our community or winning a tournament, so it won't be earned easily. You have to work hard to get one of these. Recommended by the Ladder Commander, approved by the Club Commander.

Blitzkrieg Achievement Medal - Bronze- Awarded for achievement in the club, above and beyond the call of duty. For example, Scenario Designers earn this for creating and submitting their work to the club, so that all can enjoy; individuals contribute to database maintenance; contributing multiple articles to the newsletter; and other similar levels of contribution to the club. These awards are for extended and long term commitment to bettering our community, so they won't earned easily. You have to work a little. Recommended by the Ladder Commander, approved by the Club Commander.

Annual "Pilus Prior" Badges - Annual "Pilus Prior" Badge & ELO Champion- Awarded for being the top player on a club ladder in either category in a particular year.
"Pilus Prior" was the commander of the first cohort of each Centuria in the Roman Legion.
Awarded by the Ladder or Club Commander.