7. Reporting a Game and Testing Rules.
Once a game is completed, the result may be reported through the Report a Game page https://www.theblitz.club/report_a_game/. Generally it is the winner that reports the game results. However, either player may report the game results as long as only one game is reported. Ladder Commanders are notified of each game result, so double reporting will be spotted.
If you cannot find your opponent’s username to report the game result, it is because he has not joined that ladder. Please ask your opponent to add the ladder to his profile using his Control Panel link.
Your opponent's username will then become visible and you may record your game result.
If the scenario that you played is not listed please contact the Ladder Commander who will add the scenario to the database. You may need to supply the information needed to create the database entry.
You can only report player Mod (custom) scenarios if they are finished and available for download from the scenario database (SDB). No ladder points can be awarded for any testing outside of the H2H area. Note - creating SDB entries to allow the reporting of test games in order to gain "testing" ladder points is not allowed. Also, H2H Section tests cannot be reported to the SDB because ladder points are awarded to H2H play testers by the H2H Commander.
If you cannot find your opponent’s username to report the game result, it is because he has not joined that ladder. Please ask your opponent to add the ladder to his profile using his Control Panel link.
Your opponent's username will then become visible and you may record your game result.
If the scenario that you played is not listed please contact the Ladder Commander who will add the scenario to the database. You may need to supply the information needed to create the database entry.
You can only report player Mod (custom) scenarios if they are finished and available for download from the scenario database (SDB). No ladder points can be awarded for any testing outside of the H2H area. Note - creating SDB entries to allow the reporting of test games in order to gain "testing" ladder points is not allowed. Also, H2H Section tests cannot be reported to the SDB because ladder points are awarded to H2H play testers by the H2H Commander.