PzC 05 Bulge '44 Scenarios Scenario Listings Add Scenario Info to DB Calculate scenario SM Search Scenarios Scenario Rating Games Wins % SM Turns H2H # Partially completed B44 large (100+ turns) scenarios 0(0) 0 3 100 - #00: Getting Started - For The Fatherland 7.47(6) 8 13-0-88 1 14 - #16_00: The Battle of the Bulge - Plan Martin 0(0) 1 100-0-0 7 162 - #16_01s: The Battle of the Bulge 7.63(43) 52 23-19-58 7 162 - #16_01s: The Battle of the Bulge_Alt 7.88(19) 33 48-21-30 7 162 - #16_02s: The Battle of the Bulge. Maximum German Effort 7.87(9) 7 43-0-57 7 162 - #16_03s: The Battle of the Bulge. Increased Allied Forces 0(0) 0 7 162 - #16_04cxx The Battle of the Bulge- Southern Push 8.16(5) 5 80-0-20 8 162 - #16_04s: The Battle of the Bulge - Maximum Forces 7.63(9) 16 50-13-38 7 162 - #16_04s: The Battle of the Bulge - Maximum Forces_Alt 7.93(15) 16 38-19-44 7 162 - #16_05: The 1st SS Pz Korps 6.83(28) 34 26-15-59 5 60 - #16_05: The 1st SS Pz Korps_Alt 8.08(11) 18 44-11-44 5 60 - #16_06: 47th Panzer Korps 6.61(8) 11 18-0-82 4 72 - #16_06: 47th Panzer Korps_Alt 7.6(1) 2 0-0-100 4 72 - #16_07s: The Peiper is Paid 5.05(28) 32 9-3-88 3 38 - #16_07s: The Peiper is Paid_Alt *H2H Approved* 7.38(9) 24 71-4-25 4 38 Yes #16_08: The South Flank 5.73(29) 34 3-3-94 1 15 - #16_08: The South Flank_Alt 2.93(7) 5 0-0-100 1 15 - #16_09: Skyline Drive 7.62(64) 77 38-6-56 2 15 - #16_09: Skyline Drive_Alt 8.04(8) 13 46-0-54 2 15 - 1 2 3 Next