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Abbaye d'Authie Day 2 - Combat Mission: Battle For Normandy

Abbaye d'Authie Day 2 Image
Combat Mission x2 Ladder

Abbaye d'Authie Day 2

By Wim Oudshoorn
SS 0 - 0 - 2 British
Rating: 5.73 (3)
Games Played: 2
SM: 6
Turns: 60
Type: Stock
First Side: SS
Second Side: British
Downloads: 474
Must be played back to back with Abbaye d'Authie Day 1 for a simulation of the Canadian experience. The battle see saws from favouring the SS in Day 1 to favouring the Canadians in Day 2. Both situations are typical of the Canadian expeience.
Player Voting Stats
Member Balance Enjoyment
Blitz Shadow Player's ProfileBlitz Shadow Player Totally Pro British 7
Smike2685's ProfileSmike2685 Slightly Pro British 9
Panzer Lehr's ProfilePanzer Lehr Moderately Pro British 8
Gaming Records
1st Side Player 2nd Side Player Result Score
British Panzer Lehr's Profile Panzer Lehr vs. TeddyA TeddyA's Profile SS British Total Victory 66 6
SS Blitz Shadow Player's Profile Blitz Shadow Player vs. Smike2685 Smike2685's Profile British SS Total Defeat 6 66
Blitz Shadow Player
General of the Army
Blitz Shadow Player Tue Feb 06, 2018 2:28 pm
Intentionally designed to be pro-Canadian as a follow up response to Abbaye d'Authie Day 1.

Why is there no "Canadian" option on the protagonists lists here?
Technical Sergeant
Smike2685 Tue Feb 06, 2018 3:03 pm
Great fun. The Canadians have enough to get the job done, but time and enemy firepower make it a challenge.