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Carentan (Operation) - Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord

Carentan (Operation) Image
Combat Mission Ladder

Carentan (Operation)

By Carlos \\
US Ab 7 - 2 - 3 FJ
Rating: 6.94 (9)
Games Played: 12
SM: 10
Turns: 20
Type: Custom
First Side: US Ab
Second Side: FJ
Downloads: 313
101st ABN spearheads the D-Day invasion linking the Utah and Omaha beaches.
Player Voting Stats
Member Balance Enjoyment
winkelried's Profilewinkelried Well Balanced 9
Bartokomus's ProfileBartokomus Well Balanced 6
fridericus's Profilefridericus Slightly Pro FJ 7
Baron von Snafu's ProfileBaron von Snafu Moderately Pro US Ab 8
fridericus's Profilefridericus Well Balanced 8
Gaming Records
1st Side Player 2nd Side Player Result Score
US Ab Engine's Profile Engine vs. The Butcher The Butcher's Profile FJ US Ab Total Victory 250 25
US Ab The Butcher's Profile The Butcher vs. Engine Engine's Profile FJ Draw 225 225
US Ab Arch Enemy's Profile Arch Enemy vs. Capt Kez Capt Kez's Profile FJ US Ab Major Loss 100 450
US Ab TheBlackDouglas's Profile TheBlackDouglas vs. Allan Allan's Profile FJ US Ab Major Victory 270 60
US Ab fridericus's Profile fridericus vs. [UF]Spähtrupp [UF]Spähtrupp's Profile FJ US Ab Total Victory 300 30