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BSBP 04 The Charge of the Heavy Brigade - Combat Mission: Black Sea

BSBP 04 The Charge of the Heavy Brigade Image
Combat Mission x2 - Modern Ladder

BSBP 04 The Charge of the Heavy Brigade

US 3 - 0 - 0 Russia
Rating: 5.28 (4)
Games Played: 3
SM: 8
Turns: 120
Type: Stock
First Side: US
Second Side: Russia
Player Voting Stats
Member Balance Enjoyment
Gilgamesh's ProfileGilgamesh Slightly Pro US 7
A Canadian Cat's ProfileA Canadian Cat Totally Pro US 7
Comdr's ProfileComdr Slightly Pro US 8
Mike0ronson's ProfileMike0ronson Totally Pro US 5
Gaming Records
1st Side Player 2nd Side Player Result Score
US Mike0ronson's Profile Mike0ronson vs. A Canadian Cat A Canadian Cat's Profile Russia US Total Victory 88 8
US Comdr's Profile Comdr vs. vicoshev vicoshev's Profile Russia US Total Victory 88 8
US Gilgamesh's Profile Gilgamesh vs. A Canadian Cat A Canadian Cat's Profile Russia US Major Victory 80 16
A Canadian Cat
A Canadian Cat Wed Jan 10, 2018 10:30 am
I have trouble seeing how the Red side can wind this.
Author of: Whose Turn Is It? - http://www.lesliesoftware.com/products/WhoseTurnIsIt / CMFI Sicily Pathfinders(not playable H2H) / CMBS Opportunity Knocks (scenarios, maps and mods here)
1st Lieutenant
Comdr Frid Apr 23, 2021 2:35 pm
The rolling terrain is excellent! The battle is fought in lowlight conditions. The higher end US optics though mean that the Russian is at a disadvantage because the US tanks are better at spotting Russian armour and taking it out. Russians armour fighting in teams helps. Not sure how much smoke the Russians had to help their movement forward.
1st Lieutenant
vicoshev Sat Apr 24, 2021 8:47 am
ComdrThe rolling terrain is excellent! The battle is fought in lowlight conditions. The higher end US optics though mean that the Russian is at a disadvantage because the US tanks are better at spotting Russian armour and taking it out. Russians armour fighting in teams helps. Not sure how much smoke the Russians had to help their movement forward.
1st Lieutenant
vicoshev Sat Apr 24, 2021 8:53 am
In full agreement with Comdr's (Pierre) comments, at no time did I manage to implement any type of strategy, apart from the fact that fighting at night is different, a good setting for experienced players who know how to adapt to the situation.
Excellent opponent by the way (Pierre)
Private 1st Class
Mike0ronson Sat Mar 19, 2022 4:21 pm
"A vaincre sans peril on triomphe sans gloire" (Corneil)

A totally skewed scenario in favor of US. Not a bad scenario and not an uninteresting one, but Russia lack a lot of troops and armor to be able to counter US armor superiority.