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TWC GD Counterattack at Wilkowischken - Combat Mission: Red Thunder

TWC GD Counterattack at Wilkowischken Image
Combat Mission x2 Ladder

TWC GD Counterattack at Wilkowischken

By Michael Dorosh
Axis 8 - 0 - 1 USSR
Rating: 7.23 (8)
Games Played: 9
SM: 7
Turns: 100
Type: Custom
First Side: Axis
Second Side: USSR
Downloads: 419
The German Army's elite Grossdeutschland Division had done yeoman service in the Carpathians after the long retreat with Army Group South. As the destruction of Army Group Centre wound down, Grossdeutschland was moved to the East Prussia-Lithuania border to bolster Army Group North. They did not wait long to see action. Heavy fighting in the first week of August 1944 was intended to stabilize the front and move the enemy away from the German border. The first target was Vilkaviskis, the first major town across the border in Lithuania, where rail and road lines had been cut by Soviet shock troops. Wilkowischken (the German name for Vilkaviskis) fell to the Soviets on 2 August. They continued west, where they were met by the GD on 5 August. Heavy fighting ensued, including the first meeting between GD troops and the Iosef Stalin tank.

On 7 August, the Panzer Grenadier Regiment GD licked its wounds in newly won positions on Hill 51, then moved to Wilkowischken where they were ordered to participate in a full divisional attack. Reconnaissance on the 8th revealed that the Russians had entrenched on the Kovno-Gumbinnen road, siting their weapons behind a two-metre deep anti-tank ditch the Germans themselves had dug as part of the East Prussian Defence Position.

At 04:15 the Division moved out in a heavy fog. The Panzer Regiment GD and Füsilier Regiment GD moved forward on the right, planning to swing to the east. The Panzer Grenadier Regiment, with APCs leading the way, attacked due north through farmer's fields into the enemy defences, meeting mines, Sturmoviks, and anti-tank guns. Battering their way into the town while tank battles took place farther east, the Grenadier Regiment moved forward through cornfields, bushes and the small well-tended gardens of the town. The fighting would last until after dark, the tight confines of Wilkowischken requiring much of it to be at close quarters. Grossdeutschland – the Fire Brigade of the Eastern Front – had received its welcome to Army Group North.

Map size: 880m x 1760m
Game length: 100
German force size: Battalion (-)
Terrain type: East Prussian village, rural
Weather and Environmental conditions: Hazy,damp
Date: 9 August 1944
Mod Tags: twcgd (TWC GD Uniform mods)

Designed for play as German vs. AI. May also be suitable for H2H.

Available at the BFC Repository.
Player Voting Stats
Member Balance Enjoyment
cargol's Profilecargol Moderately Pro USSR 6
Panzer Lehr's ProfilePanzer Lehr Slightly Pro Axis 8
cargol's Profilecargol Moderately Pro USSR 6
Plan:D's ProfilePlan:D Well Balanced 7
Richtig FGM's ProfileRichtig FGM Well Balanced 9
General of the Army
cargol Sun Dec 27, 2015 1:49 pm
If the Allied player handle this scenario conservatily it will be very difficult for the Axis player to win.
Do not believe what you think
Private 1st Class
Plan:D Mon Dec 28, 2015 11:29 am
It is not quite clear if the barbed wire restricts mech movement. If not the scen balance would shift to "slightly pro axis".
Richtig FGM
Technical Sergeant
Richtig FGM Sun Jan 10, 2016 9:55 am
I played as Axis and despite having good troops its a hard fight I felt. Always felt like you were a unit short throughout, support vehicles were invaluable as its a 'light'/infantry style engagement. Very Interesting to play.
Warrant Officer
ChappyCanuck Mon May 30, 2016 10:57 pm
As the Germans, this one is all halftracks. This scenario in particular illustrates the weakness of halftracks in the offence. It actually gets quite silly as lone riflemen sometimes pick off gunners, who are a moving target, with only head exposed. Of course, then they are automatically replaced by the crew, who die as well. Hopefully this flaw gets fixed in a future update of the game.
Private 1st Class
Odin Tue May 31, 2016 10:10 am
I don't like to slate a scenario which somebody has put time and effort into creating, but this is probably the most boring CM scenario I have played via PBEM.

I played as the Russians, who are the defenders. There is no room to manoeuvre, no artillery support, and very little in the way of AT defences. As the Russians I was faced with a panzergrenadier (battalion?) assault mounted in halftracks. The urban area the Russians have to defend is on the edge of the map, so there is little opportunity to draw the halftracks in and engage them at close quarters with grenades. As the Germans advance through open ground it is suicide to try to attempt an counterattack with the Russian infantry across the fields. The result is two hours of mind-numbing defending which amounts to positioning the Russian infantry in buildings and hoping that a halftrack strays within grenade range, with excitement limited to the odd sortie out of a building to try to bomb an APC.

All in all, a really bad scenario (my opponent said as much playing as the Germans). If you play CM for entertainment, avoid Counterattack at Wilkowischken.
Private 1st Class
Odin Tue May 31, 2016 10:18 am
OdinI don't like to slate a scenario which somebody has put time and effort into creating, but this is probably the most boring CM scenario I have played via PBEM.

I played as the Russians, who are the defenders. There is no room to manoeuvre, no artillery support, and very little in the way of AT defences. As the Russians I was faced with a panzergrenadier (battalion?) assault mounted in halftracks. The urban area the Russians have to defend is on the edge of the map, so there is little opportunity to draw the halftracks in and engage them at close quarters with grenades. As the Germans advance through open ground it is suicide to try to attempt an counterattack with the Russian infantry across the fields. The result is two hours of mind-numbing defending which amounts to positioning the Russian infantry in buildings and hoping that a halftrack strays within grenade range, with excitement limited to the odd sortie out of a building to try to bomb an APC.

All in all, a really bad scenario (my opponent said as much playing as the Germans). If you play CM for entertainment, avoid Counterattack at Wilkowischken.

PS I'm really sure how this could be seen as a balanced or pro Axis scenario. All the German player has to do to win the battle is position his support halftracks, mortars and HMGs on a ridge outside of the Russian infantry's SMG range, send in his panzer grenadiers, identify the Russian positions and annihilate them Russians with long range fire from his support units.
Private 1st Class
Odin Tue May 31, 2016 10:22 am
OdinPS I'm really sure how this could be seen as a balanced or pro Axis scenario.

Sorry, that should be 'Im not sure how the scenario could be regarded as balanced or pro-Russian'.