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The Falaise Pocket - 17th - 20th August 1944 - PzC 02 Normandy '44

The Falaise Pocket - 17th - 20th August 1944 Image
Tiller Operational Campaigns Ladder

The Falaise Pocket - 17th - 20th August 1944

By Sergio
Allies 1 - 0 - 0 Germany
Rating: 2.5 (1)
Games Played: 1
SM: 3
Turns: 35
Type: Custom
First Side: Allies
Second Side: Germany
Downloads: 561
Best played H&H. Thanks to Mike Ozga and others for his help. Description from the book "Fighting the Breakout": "While the withdrawal across the Orne to the east was taking place according to plan, the overall situation was becoming increasingly critical owing to the developments at Fifth Panzer Army. There, the connecting line of defense had collapsed at some points. East of Falaise, the enemy had succeeded in penetrating the front held by I SS-Pz. Corps, and had managed to cross the Ante creek at Damblainville. At this point, the 4th Canadian Armored Div. and the Polish 1st Armored Div. continued their advance toward Trun. Falaise itself had been taken by the Canadian 2nd Infantry Division. In spite of their having been in action for only a comparatively short time, the infantry units controlled by Fifth Panzer Army were severely battered and worn. The main body of 85th Inf. Div. had been forced eastward across the Dives, while to the southwest of this division there was a wide gap in the front. The combat efficiency of 12th SS-Pz. Div. was extremely low, and the remnants of 89th Inf. Div. south of Falaise were attempting to establish a new defense line based on the hills and wooded sections, and concentrating their efforts mainly on blocking the large road from Falaise to Argentan. The divisions under LXXIV Inf. Corps by now had been reduced to weak combat groups, which were putting up localized resistance but could no longer hold a connecting line. In coordination with the movement of Seventh Army, they broke loose from the left wing and also crossed to the east bank of the Orne. At Seventh Army, the withdrawal to the next line of defense west of the Orne had been carried out according to plan, without the enemy following up in force. The bulk of 363th and 84th Inf. Divs had been pulled out of the front, and set on the march to the Orne. These divisions had not yet reached their assembly areas south of Falaise, however, as the mounting activity of the low-flying planes and the few roads and bridges available did not allow rapid movement. A combat group of 84th Inf. Div. in the Briouze region remained as yet under the command of 353th Inf. Div., and was only to be pulled out during the following night. While the day passed quietly, Seventh Army, having removed the command post to Necy as from 17 August, issued the following orders: 1. Intense enemy pressure east of Falaise. Only slight pressure on the front held by this Army. 2. During the night 17/18 August, Seventh Army will withdraw with the main body behind the Orne, leaving strong security detachments in a line generally: Val d'Orne - St. Aubert-sur-Orne - Launay - Menil-Gondouin - La Fresnaye-au-Sauvage. 3. The following units will be detached from the Army command: 363th Inf. Div. from the command of II Para. Inf. Corps; 84th Inf. Div. and 10th SS-Pz. Div. from the command of LXXXIV Infantry Corps. These divisions are to be moved to the Fifth Panzer Army: 363th Inf. Div. to the Bazoches - Champcerie - Neuvy area; 84th Inf. Div. to the Vignats - Ronay - Necy area; 10th SS-Pz. Div. to assemble in the Monceaux - Giel - Habloville - Noirville area. 4. Missions for the II Para. Inf. Corps (3 Para. Inf. Div.) and LXXXIV Inf. Corps (353th Inf. Div.): defense of the Orne. Mission for the security: Withdrawal to behind the Orne ony if heavily pressured by the enemy."
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