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#10 - Sidi Rezegh (19-20 November 1941)_Alt - PzC 04 Tobruk '41

#10 - Sidi Rezegh (19-20 November 1941)_Alt Image
Tiller Operational Campaigns Ladder

#10 - Sidi Rezegh (19-20 November 1941)_Alt

By Graves Edited by VM
British 1 - 1 - 1 Germany
Rating: 7.38 (5)
Games Played: 3
SM: 1
Turns: 9
Type: Custom
First Side: British
Second Side: Germany
Sidi Rezegh, 19 November 1941: After reaching the concentration area at Gabr Saleh on 18 November, the Crusader plan called for 7th Armoured Division to await the Afrika Korps' reaction. But, based on a lack of German movement and concern over maintaining the initiative, the British command decided to force the issue. The main thrust of the Division would be made by 7th Armoured Brigade and the Support Group. They were ordered to approach ed Duda from the southeast, with the objective of setting up favorable conditions for a breakout by the garrison. The German and Italian preparations for the assault on Tobruk had also brought a number of formations to the area southeast of the perimeter. Holding the line were elements of the Italian Bologna, and German Afrika Divisions, along with the heavy artillery of the Boettcher Group. Fortunately, part of this force was facing south covering the escarpments, as they stepped down in layers, from the inland plateau to the coastal plain. It was here, near the tomb of the Muslim Prophet, Sidi Rezegh, and the airfield that also carried his name, that the 7th Armoured Brigade attacked on the afternoon of 20 November. And it was here, that the bloody struggles that would characterize Crusader would rage for nearly a week. Edited by: Edward "Volcano Man" Williams. PDT and OOB files slightly altered to reflect small scale tactical desert warfare of the period. [Size: small, Length: 9 turns]
Player Voting Stats
Member Balance Enjoyment
PK Powers's ProfilePK Powers Slightly Pro British 8
zorak's Profilezorak Well Balanced 5
tquinn's Profiletquinn Slightly Pro Germany 3
zorak's Profilezorak Well Balanced 6
tquinn's Profiletquinn Moderately Pro Germany 6
Gaming Records
1st Side Player 2nd Side Player Result Score
Germany zorak's Profile zorak vs. tquinn tquinn's Profile British Germany Major Victory 18 2
Germany zorak's Profile zorak vs. tquinn tquinn's Profile British Draw 10 10
British PK Powers's Profile PK Powers vs. NACBAR2 NACBAR2's Profile Germany British Minor Victory 14 6
First Sergeant
tquinn Wed Apr 17, 2024 12:47 am
Four turn scenarios are too short. No chance for Allies to take any objectives.
First Sergeant
tquinn Wed May 08, 2024 1:11 am
British have little fire power. Can't take objectives.