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1023_04: Diversion in the South_Alt - PzC 11 El Alamein '42

1023_04: Diversion in the South_Alt Image
Tiller Operational Campaigns Ladder

1023_04: Diversion in the South_Alt

By Saunders & Blackie (edited: Williams)
British 0 - 0 - 3 Axis
Rating: 4.6 (2)
Games Played: 3
SM: 3
Turns: 30
Type: Custom
First Side: British
Second Side: Axis
Southern sector, El Alamein, October 23rd 1942: To throw the Germans off the scent, Montgomery launched 'Operation Bertram'. This plan was to convince the Afrika Korps that the full might of the Eighth Army would be used in the south. Dummy tanks were erected in the region. A dummy pipeline was also built, slowly, so as to convey that the Allies were in no hurry to attack. Monty's army in the north also had to "disappear". Bertram worked and when Rommel, who was away sick when the battle began, returned to command the army, he was convinced that the attack would be in the south. But to hold the Axis reserves in place in the south, a strong push had to be made, or the deception would be quickly disregarded. [Size, medium]
Player Voting Stats
Member Balance Enjoyment
vLuttwitz's ProfilevLuttwitz Slightly Pro Axis 6
Partizanka's ProfilePartizanka Totally Pro Axis 3
Gaming Records
1st Side Player 2nd Side Player Result Score
British Partizanka's Profile Partizanka vs. Dog Soldier Dog Soldier's Profile Axis British Major Loss 6 54
British vLuttwitz's Profile vLuttwitz vs. Fhil Fhil's Profile Axis British Major Loss 6 54
Axis crispin's Profile crispin vs. Outlaw Josey Wales Outlaw Josey Wales's Profile British Axis Major Victory 54 6