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0510_10D_Netherlands_WDS "The Five Days War" - PzC 12 France '40

0510_10D_Netherlands_WDS "The Five Days War" Image
Tiller Operational Campaigns Ladder

0510_10D_Netherlands_WDS "The Five Days War"

By Mike Prucha
Axis 0 - 0 - 0 Allies
Rating: 0 (0)
Games Played: 0
SM: 6
Turns: 53
Type: Stock
First Side: Axis
Second Side: Allies
Date: 10th May 1940 - Size: Large - Description: The Battle of the Netherlands

In this variant, the Dutch 5th and 6th Divisions start north of the Waal in the positions they withdrew to on May 10th-11. It is more likely to result in a historic outcome. This scenario uses wired bridge damage rules.

Scenario Briefing: Despite his public assurances that Germany would respect the Netherlands' neutrality in the coming war, from the start Hitler regarded the Netherlands as a key point in German strategy and ordered his generals to draw up plans for an invasion before the last shots had been fired in Poland. An invasion of the Netherlands would facilitate the conquest of Belgium and would provide the Luftwaffe with valuable airbases from which to strike Britain. The task of subduing the Netherlands would be left to Georg von Küchler's 18th Army. Discounting the combat effectiveness of the Netherlands' militia army (which had not fought a continental war since 1831 and had been severely de-funded in the 1920s and 30s), the German leadership repeatedly stripped forces away from Küchler to reinforce the main effort against French through the Ardennes. To compensate for the relative weakness of 18th Army, the Germans developed a bold plan: paratroopers and airlanding infantry under General Kurt Student would drop far in the rear of the Dutch field army and seize key bridges over the Oude Maas, Nieuwe Maas, and Hollands Diep while a group commanded by Hans Graf von Sponeck would land at airfields near the Hague and attempt to capture the Dutch Queen and Parliament and force an early capitulation. Meanwhile, the overland invasion would be preceded by German Brandenburger operatives who, disguised as Dutch soldiers and Police, would capture the Maas bridges and disable Dutch demolition charges. Armored trains, some backed by a battalion of entrained infantry, would speed ahead of the German army across these bridges and deep into Dutch territory.

While much of the German general staff regarded the airborne operations, particularly around the Hague, as a novelty and held a realistic estimation that the Battle of the Netherlands would last about a week, others, perhaps overconfident after the rapid capitulation of Denmark, assumed the Dutch war could be over in a day - General Von Sponeck even landed with a bouquet of flowers to present to Queen Wilhelmina upon his arrival in the Dutch capital. Hitler was fully confident that a show of force would prompt a speedy surrender. The Führer's overly optimistic attitude was soon shattered. As dawn broke on May 10th and German troops poured over the Dutch border and fell upon Holland from above, it quickly became apparent that the Dutch would fight for their country...

Design Notes:

1. At the beginning of the campaign the Dutch 5th and 6th Divisions were situated behind the Peel-Raam Line and then withdrew north to the Waal River immediately after the German invasion. In this version of the scenario, these forces start fixed in the positions they withdrew to and are released after the movement was historically completed. While not strictly correct, this version of the scenario is more likely to end with a historic outcome.

2. There was little time between the landing of the paratroopers and the arrival of the airlanding infantry - the transports carrying the airlanding troops had no time to turn around or verify whether or not the airfields were solidly in German hands. To model this it is desirable that the German player accept all reinforcements regardless of whether their arrival hexes are in German or Dutch hands.

3. It is recommended that the German players uses all available air support against the Dutch airfields and assault each as soon as possible.

4. The German player has strategy options to direct the landing of reinforcements landing after 06:00.

Recommended Rules: Alternative Assault Resolution, Artillery Set Up, Recon Spotting, Virtual Supply Trucks, Optional Surrender, Low Visibility Air Effects, Quality Fatigue Modifier, Counterbattery Fire, Night Fatigue, Programmed Weather, Limited Air Recon.

The Delayed Disruption Reporting rule will provide a more challenging experience for the attacking player.

Playing without the Limited Air Recon rule will provide a more realistic depiction of cooperation between German aerial reconnaissance and bomber forces, but may overstate Allied capabilities.