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005_XFEF_Victory Is Life - Red Victory

005_XFEF_Victory Is Life Image
Squad Battles Ladder

005_XFEF_Victory Is Life

By keif149
Italy 1 - 0 - 1 Russia
Rating: 9.25 (2)
Games Played: 2
SM: 2
Turns: 16
Type: Custom
First Side: Italy
Second Side: Russia
Victory is Life\\Scenario Size: Medium\Best played as PBEM\\15,
January, 1943\\Note:This scenario requires the XFEF Mod designed
by keif149. It will not play with the stock Red Victory game.\\This
scenario is based on the ASL version by Mark Pitcavage\\Situation:
Trying to escape its encirclement, the Alpini Corps constantly
had to fight off blocking forces of Russian infantry and raiding
partisans, as well as raiding armored forces. On January 15th,
the most dangerous raid of all occurred, when tanks and riders
from an armored brigade of the 3rd Tank Army attacked the town
of Rossosch, where the headquarters of the Alpini Corps was situated.
If the headquarters was captured, the whole retreating column
would be thrown into disarray. Men from the headquarters itself
fought the Russians, holding them off just long enough for the
ski battalion Monte Cervnio to come to their defense.\\Notes:
Victory conditions are based on whom has the most points. The
Italians may exit ONLY the leaders whose counters are marked
STAFF. The represent the Corps HQ escaping. A possible 14 points
can be made if the entire staff exits. Any other counter DOES
NOT count for exit points.\\Aftermath: Although the soldiers
of Monte Cervnio fought gallantly, by themselves could not save
the day. However, another elite unit, the XXX Battaglione Guastatori,
an assault engineer battalion, was close enough to respond to
a call for help. The engineers attacked the tanks with much esprit
as the skiers did, allowing the Headquarters to escape. Finally,
the Russians withdrew.
Player Voting Stats
Member Balance Enjoyment
keif149's Profilekeif149 Well Balanced 6
Richie61's ProfileRichie61 Well Balanced 9
Gaming Records
1st Side Player 2nd Side Player Result Score
Russia keif149's Profile keif149 vs. Richie61 Richie61's Profile Italy Russia Major Loss 2 16
Italy keif149's Profile keif149 vs. Richie61 Richie61's Profile Russia Italy Major Loss 2 16
General of the Army
keif149 Wed Apr 12, 2017 11:23 pm
Game 1/2
General of the Army
Richie61 Thu Apr 13, 2017 1:33 am
Very well done port of an ASL scenario to SB. Plus it's a VERY fun and balanced fight fro either side!
"Ideals are peaceful. History is violent."