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Return of the Ottomans - Plovdiv - Steel Panthers: Main Battle Tank

Return of the Ottomans - Plovdiv Image
Steel Panthers Ladder

Return of the Ottomans - Plovdiv

By gandhi
Bulgaria 0 - 0 - 0 Turkey
Rating: 0 (0)
Games Played: 0
SM: 2
Turns: 30
Type: Custom
First Side: Bulgaria
Second Side: Turkey
Downloads: 59
Return of the Ottomans - Plovdiv*
Designed and play tested for SPMBT V9*
Designed for head to head; against AI the player should play Bulgaria*
Date: October 2016*
Battle Location: Plovdiv, Bulgaria.*
Battle Type: Turkish assault*
Based upon the book "Return of the Ottomans" by Maciej Jonasz*
Description: Having successfully advanced north along Highway 4 and reached the east-west Highway 1, the Turks must continue their push towards Sofia. South of Highway 1 lies the city of Plovdiv and at least its northern edge must be seized in order to secure movement along Highway 1.*
Scenario and map designed by Gandhi*
Special thanks to Terrapithecus for helping to play test this game*
GAME NOTES: In addition to regular forces, the Turkish player also controls agents recruited among Bulgaria's Turkish minority. Poorly armed, these men can be used to locate targets for indirect fire.*