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4. PzDiv- Fall Weiss:3 - The Matrix Games version of East Front II

4. PzDiv- Fall Weiss:3 Image
Campaign Series Ladder

4. PzDiv- Fall Weiss:3

By T Hagman
Axis 8 - 0 - 0 Allies
Rating: 4.58 (11)
Games Played: 8
SM: 4
Turns: 20
Type: Custom
First Side: Axis
Second Side: Allies
Downloads: 348
As the 1. PzDiv continued the advance towards Warsaw, the 4. PzDiv was ordered to turn right and follow the 1. PzDiv. SR 12 and AA 7 was ordered to protect the divisions left flank, securing the advance of the armored units. The flank was threatened by Polish counterattacks during the day, but this would be the last organized resistance the Germans would meet before reaching Warsaw. [email protected]
Player Voting Stats
Member Balance Enjoyment
Peiper's ProfilePeiper Totally Pro Axis 4
General Stymiest's ProfileGeneral Stymiest Moderately Pro Axis 5
General Stymiest's ProfileGeneral Stymiest Moderately Pro Axis 5
General Stymiest's ProfileGeneral Stymiest Moderately Pro Axis 5
General Stymiest's ProfileGeneral Stymiest Moderately Pro Axis 5