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Bloody Odessa - The Matrix Games version of East Front II

Bloody Odessa Image
Campaign Series Ladder

Bloody Odessa

By D. Bevard
Axis 28 - 13 - 33 Allies
Rating: 7.71 (53)
Games Played: 74
SM: 2
Turns: 15
Type: Stock
First Side: Axis
Second Side: Allies
Tatarka, 8km SW of Odessa: [Best played against Human opponent] As a major military and naval fortress, the port city of Odessa was a primary objective for the Axis forces advancing into southern Russia. Its capture was assigned to the poorly-equipped Romanian 4th Army whose repeated assaults were brutally repulsed. The resulting siege resembled the trench warfare of World War I, but time and attrition were against the Soviets. Cut off from resupply, the city's defenders began to withdraw to Sevastopol. As preparations for the final evacuation proceeded, remnants of the Russian 54th Rifle Regiment took over positions near Tatarka to act as a rearguard for the southwestern approaches. Recognizing the thinning in the Russian lines, elements of the battered Romanian 9th Guard Regiment, supported by R-35 tanks, launched an attack against the pass at Tatarka. The Romanian soldiers charged into the face of deadly machinegun fire to take their objectives. As with other assaults at Odessa, the casualties would be horrendous.
Player Voting Stats
Member Balance Enjoyment
Blitz Shadow Player's ProfileBlitz Shadow Player Slightly Pro Allies 7
Blitz Shadow Player's ProfileBlitz Shadow Player Well Balanced 6
Blitz Shadow Player's ProfileBlitz Shadow Player Well Balanced 6
Blitz Shadow Player's ProfileBlitz Shadow Player Well Balanced 6
Unknown's ProfileUnknown Well Balanced 7
has bunkers which are broken in EFII, Axis have no bunker-busting stuff
A well balanced scenario that came down to the last 2 turns and even then it was close. A good mix of troops, well made map, well placed obstacles to slow the Axis advance. Engineers seem to be placed to far out of the battle to be useful. Either assign transport or place closer to the northern front lines.
Good Hunting,