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Horror of Breslau - The Matrix Games version of East Front II

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Horror of Breslau

By D. Bevard
Axis 1 - 2 - 8 Allies
Rating: 4.7 (6)
Games Played: 11
SM: 3
Turns: 16
Type: Custom
First Side: Axis
Second Side: Allies
Downloads: 315
Jungfernsee, 15km SE of Breslau, Poland: [Best played as Axis] When the Soviet formations gathered along the Vistula River commenced their drive across Poland to the Oder River in January 1945, defensive preparations at Breslau, the capitol of Lower Silesia, had been underway since August of the previous year. Hitler had declared that the city be turned into a fortress and even though there was no ring of forts as at Posen and Konigsberg, the Germans worked hard to prepare for the coming onslaught. These efforts would be rewarded as unlike Posen and Konigsberg, the defenders of Breslau would hold out against nearly endless assaults from February 20th until after the end of the war and prove to be a major obstacle to Konev's drive on Berlin. Following the start of the Vistula-Oder Campaign, the armored formations of the 1st Ukrainian Front rushed across the three hundred miles from the Sandomierz Bridgehead and forced crossings of the Oder to the north and south of Breslau. While the spearhead of the 5th Gds Army continued west from Brieg to encircle the fortress from the south, the 65th Motorized Rifle Brigade supported by elements of the 95th Gds Rifle Division turned north along the river to clear out the garrison at Jungfernsee. For the German defenders and those moving to reinforce the small village from the 269th VG Division, the coming Soviet attack would be just the beginning of the horror the remaining citizens and soldiers of Breslau would endure!
Player Voting Stats
Member Balance Enjoyment
Koba's ProfileKoba Slightly Pro Allies 4
Rustbelt's ProfileRustbelt Slightly Pro Axis 6
Tankertony's ProfileTankertony Moderately Pro Allies 4
Blitz Shadow Player's ProfileBlitz Shadow Player Well Balanced 0
Deutscher Landser's ProfileDeutscher Landser Totally Pro Allies 4
Deutscher Landser
The balancing is very bad. I think the axis player have no chance to reach a victory or a draw !