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Kampfgruppe Eidelweiss v1.02 - The Matrix Games version of East Front II

Kampfgruppe Eidelweiss v1.02 Image
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Kampfgruppe Eidelweiss v1.02

By Jim 'von Krieg' Mays
Axis 9 - 4 - 11 Allies
Rating: 7.79 (20)
Games Played: 24
SM: 5
Turns: 25
Type: Custom
First Side: Axis
Second Side: Allies
Downloads: 633
[Best Played Against a Human] This is a hypothetical Meeting Engagement between a reinforced Russian Mechanized Brigade commanded by Colonel Yevtikhov which has broken through the front lines and is threatening to envelope German units in the area. To prevent disaster, Kampfgruppe Eidelweiss is formed from a reinforced Panzergrenadier Regiment and sent forward to stop the onrushing Russian menace. Colonel Eidelweiss and his panzergrenadiers must stop and defeat this spearhead into the German rear. Colonel Yevtikhov must drive forward and crush the German invaders. The fate of this sector hinges on the outcome of this battle.
Player Voting Stats
Member Balance Enjoyment
Tank Killer's ProfileTank Killer Moderately Pro Allies 7
HPS's ProfileHPS Totally Pro Allies 2
Matt's ProfileMatt Slightly Pro Allies 6
Rustbelt's ProfileRustbelt Totally Pro Allies 7
mTk(FGM)'s ProfilemTk(FGM) Slightly Pro Allies 8
Very interesting Meeting engagement. the map could be a bit more detailed. players learn a lot about general german and russian tactics. Horrido!
Von Luck
Wont say to much so as not to spoil it for others but the Russians have to be clever.
Great. Interesting map and forces mix. Looking forward to play it again with switched sides
Herr Straße Laufer
Plays well without extreme assault.
“The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth.”― George Orwell (1984)
Played with EA on.
Seems to be a very challenging scenario for both sides.