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March to the Fight - The Matrix Games version of East Front II

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March to the Fight

By John Underwood
Axis 65 - 16 - 16 Allies
Rating: 7.18 (59)
Games Played: 97
SM: 2
Turns: 16
Type: Stock
First Side: Axis
Second Side: Allies
Andreyevka, 32km S of Stalino: [Best played against Human opponent] After pushing hard since late June, the German Army is just beginning to feel the sting of their first winter in Russia. Units of the 16th Infantry Division (Mot.) are sent to seize the rich agricultural area around Andreyevka along with its State-run farms, to feed the Division and to deny them to the Soviets. It is begining to become obvious that the length of the supply lines that must be maintained, as well as the strength of the Red Army, had been greatly underestimated. It now falls to the depleted ranks of the 85th Mechanized Division to defend the farmland of the Russian people.
Player Voting Stats
Member Balance Enjoyment
Crazyhorse01's ProfileCrazyhorse01 Well Balanced 7
Blitz Shadow Player's ProfileBlitz Shadow Player Slightly Pro Axis 7
Blitz Shadow Player's ProfileBlitz Shadow Player Well Balanced 8
Blitz Shadow Player's ProfileBlitz Shadow Player Well Balanced 7
Blitz Shadow Player's ProfileBlitz Shadow Player Well Balanced 7
Scorched Earth
A tough game for the Russkies to even survive.
Make your mind up early as Axis. As Russian, treasure your units.
General of the Army
Oberst Sat Dec 22, 2018 8:23 pm
Allies must be patient, concentrate and strike en masse at selected points.