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The Retreat From Palembang - The Matrix Games version of Rising Sun

The Retreat From Palembang Image
Campaign Series Ladder

The Retreat From Palembang

By Curt Cabbage
Allies 2 - 1 - 3 Japan
Rating: 5.95 (6)
Games Played: 6
SM: 5
Turns: 30
Type: Stock
First Side: Allies
Second Side: Japan
15 February, 1942
Palembang, Sumatra: The Japanese airborne attack on the 14th was not successful: They failed in their gamble to take P1 Airfield and sustained about 80% casualties in the attempt; At Plaju they did take their objective, the oil refinery, but did not have sufficient strength to hold it; however some of the Japanese paratroopers are still holding out, most importantly at the roadblock between P1 Airfield and Palembang city. A general evacuation of southern Sumatra has been announced and all Allied troops in this command area are to withdraw south toward Oosthaven on the southern tip of the island, on the Sunda Strait, and obtain transport there to Java. To buy additional time for the large number of noncombatants (i.e. civilian dependents and functionaries, air force personnel, service troops and stragglers from Singapore) to get off the island, the Allied troops must delay the Japanese advance around Palembang for 3 or 4 hours. The Japanese paratroopers are not the problem; the sea landing force is approaching up the Musi River. While the remnants of the Allied air forces attempt to delay them on the river they will not be able to stop them, just cut them up a little. It is a difficult proposition for the Allied commander.
Player Voting Stats
Member Balance Enjoyment
Hawk Kriegsman's ProfileHawk Kriegsman Moderately Pro Allies 5
Antoni Chmielowski's ProfileAntoni Chmielowski Well Balanced 6
Mike Abberton's ProfileMike Abberton Well Balanced 8
Hughen Tanken de Tote's ProfileHughen Tanken de Tote Moderately Pro Japan 7
Herr Straße Laufer's ProfileHerr Straße Laufer Totally Pro Japan 5
Antoni Chmielowski
Boring from both sides.

Japanese cant get to Palembang, Allies just sit & wait !
Antoni ChmielowskigGames Played : WiTP-AE, TOAW3,Gary Grigsbys War in The East/ War In The West
Mike Abberton
There's a lot of marching at the beginning, but the various battles across the map are fun.
Lieutenant General
Zap Sat Oct 02, 2021 10:59 am
If you decide to push onto Palembang as the Japanese. You will be frustrated when you find out you can't make it. If you do push ahead the allies defense will piece meal you and its their victory. Go after the point hexes that can be reached, be patient, keeping Japanese losses low because you'll find victory points hard to come by. This was a very disappointing scenario for me.