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A Day At The Beach - The Matrix Games version of West Front

A Day At The Beach Image
Campaign Series Ladder

A Day At The Beach

By Bob Cummings
Allies 8 - 2 - 7 Axis
Rating: 6.52 (11)
Games Played: 17
SM: 4
Turns: 24
Type: Custom
First Side: Allies
Second Side: Axis
H2H Matrix] 0525 am The Canadians invasion of Sicily started on a sandy bay in the southeast corner of the island. Their first objective was the airfield at Pachino about 5 km inland. The local Italian garrison was small but, if the soldiers located there decided to put up fight, they could inflict heavy casualties.The Italian defenses included a few pillboxes, some machine gun positions and a couple of coastal defense guns. When the Royal Canadian Regiment finally waded ashore it was broad daylight. The Royals encountered very little resistance on the beach and briskly located and destroyed the coastal batteries. The Regiment then advanced inland toward the airfield. Generally as the Royals advanced toward the airfield they encountered pockets of Italian troops in defensive positions. The Canadians would fire on them and the Italians would immediately surrender en masse. The most spirited defense occured when a battalion of Blackshirts attacked the Commando units on the Canadian left flank with mortars and AT guns. The Commandos called in heavy mortar and naval gun fire and the Blackshirt attack was broken up. The Regiment then advanced to the airfield and after a short, but intense fire fight the objective was captured. During the course of the day The Regiment took over 500 prisoners at cost of only 3 killed and 12 wounded. The landing was a major success.
Player Voting Stats
Member Balance Enjoyment
Tiger 88's ProfileTiger 88 Moderately Pro Allies 2
Herr Straße Laufer's ProfileHerr Straße Laufer Well Balanced 7
Herr Straße Laufer's ProfileHerr Straße Laufer Moderately Pro Axis 7
Scud's ProfileScud Well Balanced 7
Kool Kat's ProfileKool Kat Slightly Pro Allies 5
Herr Straße Laufer
The Allied player needs to plan ahead. It will not be easy to draw and harder still to garner a victory.
“The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth.”― George Orwell (1984)
Herr Straße Laufer
Don't know how but, this is not helped by using EA or regular version 1.02 assault rules.
Revised victory conditions or locations of victory hexes are in order.
“The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth.”― George Orwell (1984)