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Raid on the El Djem Bridge - The Matrix Games version of West Front

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Raid on the El Djem Bridge

By Michael Wetherholt
Allies 4 - 0 - 8 Axis
Rating: 8.44 (8)
Games Played: 12
SM: 1
Turns: 12
Type: Custom
First Side: Allies
Second Side: Axis
Downloads: 264
Tunisia, North Africa. Semi-historical scenario. Best played as Americans or against human opponent. While the allies closed in on the axis forces in Tunisia, it came to the attention of the Americans that the German/Italian forces were rushing reinforcements to their front lines over the railroad bridge at El Djem, located 90 miles behind the lines. Repeated attempts to destroy the bridge through airstrikes had failed with no damage inflicted. Eisenhower's Allied Force HQ assigned Colonol Raff's 509th Parachute Infantry Battalion the mission of sending a small parachute raiding party to destroy the bridge with hand-set explosives. Colonel Raff chose 2nd Lieutenant DeLeo to lead this small hand picked force of paratroopers which included some French paratroopers who would act as guides and support. Three American P-38's were timed to support the paratroopers in their assult or escape. Shortly after midnight the raiding force was para-dropped 5 miles south of the bridge and after marching most of the night arrived at the abandoned French Fort, which was their ralley point, close to their objective, just as dawn was breaking. The bridge and town were defended by a small detatchment of Italians and it was suspected that German forces were also nearby. The Americans were expected to destroy the bridge unless it was too heavily defended. Reguardless of the situation, they were to make their way on foot as best as they could the 90 miles back to their own lines. The actual decision to hit the bridge or to split up into small groups and use gurrilla tactics and attempt to return to American lines was a decision that rested soley on Lieutenant DeLeo's judgement and assessment of the situation. The option of blowing the bridge and probably losing most or all of his command or making a run for American lines to save as many troops as possible was a decision that only Lieutenant DeLeo could make. It rested squrely on his shoulders. This would be a dangerous and quite possibly a suicide mission. Morale and confidence of the American paratroopers was high.
Player Voting Stats
Member Balance Enjoyment
Jeepster777's ProfileJeepster777 Well Balanced 8
Yossarian's ProfileYossarian Well Balanced 7
Yossarian's ProfileYossarian Well Balanced 7
Nort's ProfileNort Well Balanced 8
Hawk Kriegsman's ProfileHawk Kriegsman Slightly Pro Axis 6
A fun little scenario that moves very quickly....every move counts...any mistake made may cost you the game..
...the P 38s might be the key to winning.....this has to be a very exciting "Hot Seat" game........