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039. First Day of Arcole - WDS Campaign Marengo

039. First Day of Arcole Image
Black Powder Ladder

039. First Day of Arcole

By Bill Peters
French (Nap) 0 - 0 - 0 Allies (Nap)
Rating: 0 (0)
Games Played: 0
SM: 7
Turns: 72
Type: Stock
First Side: French (Nap)
Second Side: Allies (Nap)
15 November 1796 - Historical - Intended to be played Head to Head - Important: read the player's notes at the end of this narrative. After the Battle of Caldiero, Napoleon pulled back across the Adige while the Austrians were seeking to bring pressure on him from the north. Davidovich was supposed to attach from the north at Rivoli but was dragging his feet. Alvinczy was seeking a juncture of the two wings when news came of a crossing by the French at Ronco, located downstream from Verona. A drive by the French towards Villanova and cut off the Austrian army from their supply sources to the east. Two French divisions, Massena and Augereau, crossed at 7am with the former heading left to safeguard the bridge crossing site while the latter headed to the right to take the all-important crossing site over the Albino River at Arcole. Massena's force was able to accomplish their objectives despite several assaults by the Austrians throughout the day. The major part of the action was undertaken by Augereau's men. The darkness covered the advance of their lead elements and they were able to cross the bridge and get into Arcole but were beaten back by the determination of the Grenzers under Generalmajor Brigido. Countless assaults followed and more Austrian-Hungarian forces arrived to halt them short of their objective. The confining nature of the terrain, flooded/marshy area with the only road elevated and exposed to fire from the other side of the river, caused the French to recoil in confusion. Napoleon then planned to have a brigade cross to the south at Albaredo and turn the left flank of the defenders in the village. After some time in rounding up the boats the assault forces crossed at about 4pm and were able to march north and capture the village along with their comrades on the other side of the river. However, Napoleon was concerned with the possibility that Davidovich may have been able to press back the French at Rivoli and may at that moment be driving on Verona and cut him off from his supply base. So he recalled his forces all the way back to Ronco which caused much dismay to his troops. The move was wise strategically but the idea that they had fought all day and lost many comrades for nothing did not help the French morale. PLAYER'S NOTES: There are several French units that were part of amphibious operations: Guieu's brigade of Augerau's division. These troops historically used a ferry that was still in operation on the 15th and were not ready to march to the north on Arcole until about 4pm. They will arrive a unit at a time on the far shore. Also, the French Reserve division will remained Fixed throughout the scenario and the Allied player should note that to move within release range of these troops will allow them to activate. The lighting for the night was splendid due to a beautiful full moon (and no cloud cover). Boycott-Brown's source says that there was only 3 hours of darkness. I construed this to mean that lighting was sufficient throughout the evening and much of the early morning. The scenario ends at 11pm but there is PDT data for the early morning in case the players wishe to make a longer version of the battle. Austrian order of battle note: the Grenzers in Brigido's brigade fought heroically during the day (except for a slight mixup) and I have assigned them a higher morale as a result and also as a balance effect as holding the bridge is going to be extremely difficult against a determined French player.