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003 Assault on Vienna (Hypothetical) - WDS Vienna 1683

003 Assault on Vienna (Hypothetical) Image
Black Powder Ladder

003 Assault on Vienna (Hypothetical)

By Gary McClennan
Turkish (V1683) 0 - 0 - 0 Alliance (V1683)
Rating: 0 (0)
Games Played: 0
SM: 2
Turns: 20
Type: Stock
First Side: Turkish (V1683)
Second Side: Alliance (V1683)
Date: September 11, 1683 - Size: Medium - Location: Gates of Vienna

Scenario Briefing: (Hypothetical) By the second week of September, the Ottomans had been able to create two small breaches in the wall of Vienna. They were working on mining the intervening section of wall, creating a large enough breach for a full assault. They were so close that there was real fear that they would take the city even while the relieving force was attacking off the Kahlenberg. This scenario assumes that the Ottomans hastened their preparations and launched their great assault the day before the Alliance forces arrived.

Notes: Ottoman vs AI, or as Head-to-Head.

Recommended Rules: Default