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013 The Battle of Campo Santo - WDS War of the Austrian Succession

013 The Battle of Campo Santo Image
Black Powder Ladder

013 The Battle of Campo Santo

By A. Bamford & G. McClellan
Anti-Pragmatic (WotAS) 0 - 0 - 0 Pragmatic (WotAS)
Rating: 0 (0)
Games Played: 0
SM: 2
Turns: 20
Type: Stock
First Side: Anti-Pragmatic (WotAS)
Second Side: Pragmatic (WotAS)
Date: 8 February 1743 - Size: Medium - Location: Campo Santo, Italy

Scenario Briefing: Historical - In Spring 1743, both Madrid and Vienna were pressing their commanders for action in the Italian theater, after months of desultory maneuver. Finally, Count Gages decided to cross the Panaro at Campo Santo. Count Traun gathered his forces to attack the Spanish at the crossing, shifting his line to the left to focus on the Spanish right. While the Spanish were able to gain early advantages on both wings, the indiscipline of the Spanish cavalry allowed the Austro-Piedmontese forces to rally. Eventually, the Spanish retreated back across the river at nightfall, with both sides taking heavy losses.

Recommended Rules: [Default]

Intended to be played as the Pragmatic Alliance against the Anti-Pragmatic AI, but can be played from either side or Head-to-Head.