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025 Dettingen - Operational Scenario - WDS War of the Austrian Succession

025 Dettingen - Operational Scenario Image
Black Powder Ladder

025 Dettingen - Operational Scenario

By Andrew Bamford
Anti-Pragmatic (WotAS) 0 - 0 - 0 Pragmatic (WotAS)
Rating: 0 (0)
Games Played: 0
SM: 4
Turns: 46
Type: Stock
First Side: Anti-Pragmatic (WotAS)
Second Side: Pragmatic (WotAS)
Date: 27 June 1743 - Size: Large - Location: Dettingen, Electorate of Mainz

Scenario Briefing: Variant - After a lengthy campaign of maneuver in central Germany, the Duc de Noailles had managed to gain the upper hand for the French forces under his command. The Pragmatic Army, commanded in person by George II of Great Britain, was in an unenviable position with a French blocking force interposed between it and its base at Hanau, another French force moving into its rear by way of Aschaffenburg, French batteries placed to pummel it from across the River Main on the left, and impassible hills to the right. Well might Noailles believe, as he reported to Louis XV, that he had the enemy in a mousetrap. Yet, in their eagerness to engage the enemy, Noailles' subordinates would throw away the advantages that their commander had won for them and George II would lead his command to an unlikely - near miraculous - victory.

This operational variant starts at midnight, giving the commanders the option to follow their own alternative plans should they so wish. A larger map is used than in the standard battle, placing the Pragmatic corps at Hanau on the map and able to intervene in the action. The only objective is for the Depot at Hanau. The primary goal for both sides is defeating the enemy army, but the Pragmatic Forces do need to keep the security of their Line of Communications in mind.

Recommended Rules: [Default]

Intended to be played Head-to-Head.